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Archived: Random Sports Talk
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Re: Random Sports Talk
06/23/11 8:54 pm | #197
Wooo Bobcats!! REAL draft picks, as opposed to idiot ones!
Re: Random Sports Talk
06/23/11 9:02 pm | #198
sarcamento is looking like they are taking after thunder, great young talent that is going to dominate the league in a few years.
only problem with the bobcats is again a of a scorer in losing jackson. maggette is decent but is aging.
Re: Random Sports Talk
06/24/11 9:28 am | #199
I asked Lebron for $1 dollar the other day...
He only gave me 75 cents,
Apparently he has no fourth quarter.
Re: Random Sports Talk
06/24/11 12:40 pm | #200
And the Lakers might trade Lamar Odom. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
Re: Random Sports Talk
06/29/11 10:47 pm | #201
Tigers are getting their ass kicked so bad that they are letting Don Kelly pitch. Hes our back up left fielder/3rd Baseman. 
Re: Random Sports Talk
06/29/11 11:29 pm | #202
Oooo Canada! BEAT FRANCE!
Re: Random Sports Talk
07/02/11 1:09 pm | #203
O'Reilly and Rapinoe! Raping Colombia's face!
Re: Random Sports Talk
07/03/11 2:21 am | #204
Pretty mad that Faber lost to that faggot Cruz, especially how it was for the title, and Cruz is a whining pussy. But at least Chris Leben beat Wanderlei. Leben is a fucking beast.
Re: Random Sports Talk
07/03/11 3:20 pm | #206
I could give two shits and a fuck about the NBA lockout! Let all those greedy shitheads go play in Europe for all I care. And why does ESPN and every other sports media outlets think it's necessary to show constant footage of Roger Goodell and all those jagoffs walking around when talking about the NFL labor dispute?! Who the fuck cares where they're walking to?!
Re: Re: Random Sports Talk
07/03/11 4:02 pm | #207
Quote by IRiSH:
I could give two shits and a fuck about the NBA lockout! Let all those greedy shitheads go play in Europe for all I care. And why does ESPN and every other sports media outlets think it's necessary to show constant footage of Roger Goodell and all those jagoffs walking around when talking about the NFL labor dispute?! Who the fuck cares where they're walking to?!
Because it's more entertaining than baseball!
Re: Re: Re: Random Sports Talk
07/03/11 4:05 pm | #208
Quote by MTB Mamba:
Quote by IRiSH:
I could give two shits and a fuck about the NBA lockout! Let all those greedy shitheads go play in Europe for all I care. And why does ESPN and every other sports media outlets think it's necessary to show constant footage of Roger Goodell and all those jagoffs walking around when talking about the NFL labor dispute?! Who the fuck cares where they're walking to?!
Because it's more entertaining than baseball!

Re: Random Sports Talk
07/08/11 12:13 am | #209
Travis Hafner hit a walk off grand slam to beat the Blue Jays tonight! Fucking awesome!
Re: Re: Random Sports Talk
07/08/11 12:36 am | #210
Quote by IRiSH:
I could give two shits and a fuck about the NBA lockout! Let all those greedy shitheads go play in Europe for all I care. And why does ESPN and every other sports media outlets think it's necessary to show constant footage of Roger Goodell and all those jagoffs walking around when talking about the NFL labor dispute?! Who the fuck cares where they're walking to?!
some hostility towards the nba and nfl, no?
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