Archived: Random Sports Talk
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Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by IRiSH:
I rather watch a MLB game than any NBA stroke session. I love watching college hoops but hate watching NBA games.
wat how half of college basketball is a bunch of bum ass players.
If you haven't figured it out yet, star power means absolutely jack shit to me and is probably the main reason why I've grown to dislike the NBA so much.
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
wat how half of college basketball is a bunch of bum ass players.
If you haven't figured it out yet, star power means absolutely jack shit to me and is probably the main reason why I've grown to dislike the NBA so much.

Quote by Mozy:
Cuz they're too damn good.

Quote by slicknick3822:
Quote by Mozy:
Cuz they're too damn good.

yes they are! The kid that won the puck shooting contest tonight was pretty good too
Quote by Mozy:
They've lost 3 times....
Quote by theEVOL1:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
baseball sucks tho
Your FACE sucks!!!!
In all honesty though, I can't remember the last time I was able to sit and watch an entire baseball game. I love to play and I love to see games in person, but baseball may only be eclipsed by golf as my least favorite TV sport that I actually enjoy. (if that made sense!

You enjoy golf? Wat???
he broke the record for most 3s made in a half too.
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