Archived: PS3 FANBOYS
Posted Under: Gaming
12/26/10 9:23 pm | #2
Because its the only thing they can bring up really....
but the browser sucks, and chances are... where a game system is... a PC is not that far away.
but the browser sucks, and chances are... where a game system is... a PC is not that far away.
12/26/10 9:53 pm | #4
I do have to admit, now that I have it, I watch all my movies on PS3.
Blu-rays are nice, of course, but even regular DVDs look awesome on it. It upscales everything to fake 1080p which looks excellent as long as you don't sit too close. I also like all the audio options--I have mine set so it plays regular 2 channel stereo through the TV but plays the uncompressed 5.1 audio signal optical out to my good headphones.
Blu-rays are nice, of course, but even regular DVDs look awesome on it. It upscales everything to fake 1080p which looks excellent as long as you don't sit too close. I also like all the audio options--I have mine set so it plays regular 2 channel stereo through the TV but plays the uncompressed 5.1 audio signal optical out to my good headphones.
12/26/10 10:10 pm | #5
uncharted 2 is one of the best games i've played this generation.
12/26/10 11:18 pm | #7
PS3 has better exclusives by far. But Xbox dominates 3rd party games and multiplayer/online service.
12/26/10 11:25 pm | #8
Quote by Detroit War:
PS3 has better exclusives by far. But Xbox dominates 3rd party games and multiplayer/online service.
That is a matter of opinion sir.
Myself, I was the biggest PS2 nuthugger you could ever find. 98% of my games last gen were PS2. I had maybe 10 on Xbox, in the 2 years I had it, if that long.
I finally bought the reg Xbox for Halo 2 and a Paintball game that was released for it. Then I got Halo CE to play the first, and a couple others.
When the new Gen, this one, came out, I purposely waited until the PS3 was out before committing my money to one or the other. I knew my friend would have both, which he did, bought both on launch days.
I then went over to his house and played Gears on the 360 and Resistance, which was supposed to blow Gears away, if you recall. My money went to the 360.
I was so amped for the PS3 with all the hype, and it just failed in my eyes. They said it would be so awesome that it would be like playing in 4D. IMHO, it looked exactly the same as Gears.
Not to mention the 360 let you buy the HD DVD Drive separate, instead of forcing you to spend the extra money upfront, which for the PS3 at the time was $500-$600, and the 360 was $300-$400.
12/26/10 11:39 pm | #9
/\/\/\ Almost my story as well except I never got an original XBox. I used to play the fuck out of SOCOM 1,2, and 3 on my old PS2 and might have got a PS3 if they had ever made a worthwhile new SOCOM. Evol turned me to the dark side (at least that's what I thought at the time) and I chose the 360 shortly after Rock Band came out and I was looking forward to playing that online and downloading new songs for it.
12/26/10 11:42 pm | #10
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Quote by Detroit War:
PS3 has better exclusives by far. But Xbox dominates 3rd party games and multiplayer/online service.
That is a matter of opinion sir.
Didnt know I had to label it as a opinion to let people know....

12/27/10 12:14 am | #12
uncharted 3...enough said lol
12/27/10 12:28 am | #13
i definitely enjoy playing the 360 more than ps3 or wii. but like me and most of my friends we were all about ps2, gran turismo and the exclusive rpg games as my favorite. i didnt even own an original xbox until right before the wii was launched and still only played it a couple of times. when i finally saved enough money i bought the 360 in late 2007, and bought halo 3 with it cause had been playing it at friends, then a customer came into my work awhile after and offered me a deal on the ps3 i could not refuse, $200 flat for 80gb ps3 with motor storm brand new in box, i think the term might be "it feel off the back of a lorry" in my english slang terms lol, but i didnt care, now 75% of my gaming is xbox 360, 20% ps3, and 5% wii. although my ps3 is getting alot more use now after this xmas. but i definitely prefer movies, ps2 games and netflix on the ps3. blu ray is better than hd movies anyways. and the internet browser on ps3 isnt that bad at all imo. better than the xbox web browser..... o0o0o0..... so is the wii's...... o0o0o00o lol. of all the companies not to have a web browser on their gaming system its microsoft??? seems a little controlling of making sure to buy a pc aswell as xbox lol more money in b.g's pocket. but def xbox has it for me on achievements, i just wish the achievement noise was customizable or can be different than a friend signing on lol
12/27/10 12:34 am | #14
Grammar hates you.