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Archived: PS3 FANBOYS

Posted Under: Gaming

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pfffft screw all that crap. its early in the morning and even on a good day i doubt i will punctuate properly, too time consuming lol. but maybe for ya'll i can keep it a bit tighter. Wouldn't want anyone's eyes to bleed over a few periods and comma's lol :p off topic starter AJ !!!!!! lol ps3 will now come with a grammar game. learn "how to type shit correctly 101" ill pick it up i guess lol

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Burnt Waffle
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I have both systems and I have about 80 xbox 360 games and about 15 ps3 games honestly in some games I have had a friend bring over like skate 2 and we play it on 360 then we play it on ps3 and honestly we thought it looked better in the ps3 but I can't get away from the xbox because the online experience is a way better than the ps3 and the xbox controller is way bettter I only use my ps3 when good exclusives come out for it but other than that the 360 kicks the ps3's ass.
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Burnt Waffle
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Bronze Waffle
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Silver Waffle
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I'm not a fan boy of either system but a fan boy of gaming.

PS3 no doubt a better system hardware wise but just doesn't live up to its potential, the no games argument doesn't work anymore it now has games and trophies, big problem not all games have them why? Oh yeah they were late to the game with that. Internet browser who on a consistent basis uses that crap browser give me a mouse and key board any time fuck controllers to surf the web! Blue-ray player NICE that's all I have to say on that but, we are talking gaming systems not movie systems! PS Network sure its free but its crap I love downloading a 100mb file for 1 hour because I have nothing better to do with my time! PSN+ is nice I love getting free old crap games and or discounted downloadable games this works.

Now the 360 every year you hear its reached it hardware limits but each year it seems to break those limits sure one year it will fail, and when it does PS3 fans can dance and rejoice in the streets but for now they can hide on their web sites lying to themselves.
Sure everyone could complain about the RRoD but hey M$ fixed most of those for free. I have also fixed about 15ish 360 and only one was totally fried its not really a huge problem if your slightly tech smart! Xbox live sure I drop whatever it is 50-60 dollars a year but its worth it IMO? The funny thing is I barely Multiplayer online with people which is what it is hugely there for, but my 100mb down load speed is like 1 minute yeah my internet might be crap but 1minute is way faster than 1 hour!

Any who for my final comparison.
PS3 the hot girl that looks great and visually is great but when you finally get her in the sack it's a cold dead fish only willing to do it her way!
360 the not as good looking girl maybe even a little fat (depends on your standards) but is willing to try new things and change to please you!

I'm just happier with my 360 product for now!

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Quote by BIGP 6:

Quote by Big Mike:

I'm not a fan boy of either system but a fan boy of gaming. Any who for my final comparison. PS3 the hot girl that looks great and visually is great but when you finally get her in the sack it's a cold dead fish only willing to do it her way! 360 the not as good looking girl maybe even a little fat (depends on your standards) but is willing to try new things and change to please you! I'm just happier with my 360 product for now!

Thanks to the slim the xbox 360 is no longer the fat bitch :laugh:

no, its the slightly-less-then-average chubby chick! cause who doesnt love a good chubby? not uber fat, but not skin-and-bone.

now the first ps3......THAT was the uber fat bitch :rofl: that shit was like the original xbox man. mufucka was a god dam cinderblock!
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

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I got a ps3 for christmas it's very nice but 360 is much better but ps 3 is great to
2 14342
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