Archived: Noobiest thing you ever done on XBL xbox live
Posted Under: Gaming
Noobiest thing you ever done on XBL xbox live
12/23/09 6:31 am | #1
ok guys we are sometimes noobs on xbox even if its trying to get your friends mad at you or you just want to hear peoples remarks when you do something noobish
we start out noobs when we first get the game but then we become pros at it so what is your nobbiest moment on xbox live

Re: Noobiest thing you ever done on XBL xbox live
12/23/09 7:07 am | #2
I played Shadowrun.
Re: Noobiest thing you ever done on XBL xbox live
12/23/09 2:12 pm | #3
lol its not that bad of a game
Re: Noobiest thing you ever done on XBL xbox live
12/23/09 2:47 pm | #5
i boosted through a prestige on cod4 with my cousin
Re: Noobiest thing you ever done on XBL xbox live
12/23/09 3:11 pm | #6
I act like a child through the mic when the clock strikes very late.
Re: Noobiest thing you ever done on XBL xbox live
12/23/09 3:21 pm | #7
The closest thing I can say to being a noob would be I was playing a match of Halo 3 (it was the zombie match) and I was the last man standing for the humans and was taking on every freaking zombie coming at me. After getting a nice 10 kills with no other "human" alive - the guys were like - man how is he doing this? At which I cut my mic in and said "because you all suck!" about 10 seconds later I died. Me and my mouth......
Re: Noobiest thing you ever done on XBL xbox live
12/23/09 4:01 pm | #9
Sent a message to all friends asking to help me boost Dash of Destruction when all you had to do was hook up another controller.
Re: Re: Noobiest thing you ever done on XBL xbox live
12/23/09 4:14 pm | #10
Quote by AJ:
Sent a message to all friends asking to help me boost Dash of Destruction when all you had to do was hook up another controller.
i think my first 360 MP experience was FEAR. i joined some deathmatch game without knowing the controls. i kept asking everyone how to switch weapons and throw grenades and all that, lol. luckily the FEAR 1 community was pretty cool. they didn't break my balls over it.
Re: Noobiest thing you ever done on XBL xbox live
12/23/09 4:22 pm | #11
Teabag people in Halo 3.
Re: Re: Noobiest thing you ever done on XBL xbox live
12/23/09 5:52 pm | #13
Quote by Durtie:
The noobiest thing I've ever done on live was back when I was eighteen, I would put on my mic and yell at my mom and talk to my girl and shit. I never realized everyone could hear me and plus my volume was down cause I didn't hear anyone. I bet one thousand people in halo muted me that day, lol.
I've also done some mean things to noobs. I sold this guy a barack obama armor in fable 2 for 20 million! lol.
I've also done some mean things to noobs. I sold this guy a barack obama armor in fable 2 for 20 million! lol.
Obama uniform? Haha