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Archived: No Used Games On The New Xbox?

Posted Under: 360 Talk
Re: Re: Re: No Used Games On The New Xbox?
Burnt Waffle
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Quote by TK Chillin:

Quote by E Rock 31:

I was just wondering how different it was than “Microsoft to do away with MS points”?

@ TK I couldn’t imagine a world w/o gamestop, I couldn’t imagine paying full price for Conan, any Lego game and a host of others that just don’t warrant their $60 price tag!

That's not what I was saying. Conan and most of those Lego games aren't 60 dollars. I picked up Bio shock brand new for 10 bucks....the used copy was 9 dollars. The NEW price drops over time.

Gamestop (in my opinion) is a parasite on the gaming industry. They buy your used game for a ridiculously low price and then resell it at just a few dollars less then the new copy. Sure you save a few bucks but the game company's never see a dime of that transaction. I buy new as to support the game makers not just a retail outlet.

The deals, or should I say the lack there of, got much worse after GS bought EB. You used to get all kinds of freebies like key chains, tee-shirts, stickers, and demo's when you shopped, not to mention much better trade in deals, before the merger.

Don't get me wrong I'm not against game stores that buy and sell games. There are several in my area. The real problem is the scale at which GS is doing it. When on a mom and pop store scale the game industry isn't taking as big a hit to the bottom line as they do with how GS is doing it.

The thing that really confuses me is that while plenty of developers are complaining about used game sales wrecking their shit, handfuls of them are lining up to eagerly provide exclusive pre-order bonuses through GameStop. This makes absolutely no sense because while devs will go out of their way like this, GameStop doesn't display even the slightest bit of loyalty back to them and will gladly recommend and sell used copies of those games on day one.

Re: No Used Games On The New Xbox?
Burnt Waffle
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@ Dream three little letters “DLC”. 15 bucks a pop for the average map pack 5-10 bucks for a skin/class pack etc for a SOFTWARE download it’s all profit. Loyalty to a developer? What about loyalty to the people who are buying these lackluster games strictly for multiplayer(looking at you COD)? Loyalty doesn’t exist in a free market environment. If that were the case MS would have replaced all those RROD’d Xbox’s, it won’t happen. It’s called capitalism son. If you willing to pay the price why lower it? It’s our own fault as consumers.
Re: Re: No Used Games On The New Xbox?
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Quote by E Rock 31:

@ Dream three little letters “DLC”. 15 bucks a pop for the average map pack 5-10 bucks for a skin/class pack etc for a SOFTWARE download it’s all profit. Loyalty to a developer? What about loyalty to the people who are buying these lackluster games strictly for multiplayer(looking at you COD)? Loyalty doesn’t exist in a free market environment. If that were the case MS would have replaced all those RROD’d Xbox’s, it won’t happen. It’s called capitalism son. If you willing to pay the price why lower it? It’s our own fault as consumers.

MS did fix the systems for free. I got a brand new one back Twice, the second time there was a game and a one month XBL Gold code.

DLC is here to stay that's fer sure. Not sure who gets the money for Pre-orders. Maybe it's in an escrow type account until the game is released. Wish I had one months interest on a million Pre-orders. Yet another way they make money from us.

Re: Re: Re: No Used Games On The New Xbox?
Burnt Waffle
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Quote by TK Chillin:

DLC is here to stay that's fer sure. Not sure who gets the money for Pre-orders. Maybe it's in an escrow type account until the game is released. Wish I had one months interest on a million Pre-orders. Yet another way they make money from us.

Agreed, DLC isn't going anywhere. The problem is that MS has a really fucked up pricing structure for it. Even they did ditch MSP, they'd just keep on charging $10 for things that should be about $6 or 7.

Re: No Used Games On The New Xbox?
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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the games you have used or new would work because they dont have the games indvidual id in the systems yet so only games played on a console not allowing used games would render it unusable in another there for you have nothing to worry about

but basically once its released if the roumors true you would simply have to buy new but anything bought used before hand would be good to go
Re: No Used Games On The New Xbox?
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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i buy used about 70% of the time lol
Re: No Used Games On The New Xbox?

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Ehhh...I guess it depends. I would be fine if developers began putting their games on Marketplace day of release.
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