I'm Adam. I was led to this site from xba.org from a neat sig pic someone had. Now that I'm here, this looks like a pretty cool place too. So I'm sure to be touring around the site some.
It's actually kind of funny to me that I have been playing Trials Evo for some time now, and I'm always watching a guy named Chicago AJ in the leaderboard replays when I want to see how a track is really supposed to be done, and it turns out he seems to be a prominent member here.
So hats off to you dude, you are a beast on the bike in Trials. I guess I'm kind of a fan.

Looking forward to meeting others here and hopefully gaming with some of you in the future.
I'm currently playing Dead Space 2, Gears 3, and Trials Evolution for the most part.
I'm actually hosting a Gears 3 LAN party next week. So yeah, I'm a nerd.