Meta's comprehensive reviews: Titanfall

Developed by Respawn Entertainment and Bluepoint Games (360 version), published by EA. Online only, 2-12 multiplayer. Rated M for Mature.
This game is good.
+ Fast, fluid freerunning and parkour
+ Starting weapons are nicely powerful
+ Controls and gameplay are intuitive
+ Maps have great verticality
+ Story/campaign elements are unobtrusive
+ Titans add a whole new dimension to online FPS gameplay
- If you want a full campaign--too bad
- Titans can be ganged-up on easily
- No customization
- Default assault rifle is so good, not much reason to change
- Online ONLY--you can't even change loadouts offline
? Seriously, why can't we name custom loadouts
Note: this review covers both the XB1 and 360 versions as the only differences are visual.