Archived: LOST! Season 6!
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All I know about lost is from the LAME video game
how the hell do Boone and his sister remember everything in the flash-sideways?
Quote by IRiSH:
the ending devastated me.
if you all want to make fun of a man crying, do it now.
i got teary-eyed. i won't lie, lol.
i feel somewhat...... denied... because some major questions were never answered, but the ending was beautiful. it left me in shock, but i couldn't expect much more. cheers to everyone reading this, and to everyone involved. i didn't start watching lost until a year ago or so, but it's still been an amazing 6 years.
I didn't read any of the previous posts and won't be back in this thread for a couple days.
1. how did the people in the flash sideways who remembered everything without us seeing it happen come to remember what went on.
2. why were some of the characters able to move on, but others like Eko, or Ana Lucia, or most especially Michael not aloud to move on? i was sitting and doing my bio homework, when i realized what Michael said about the island. The island is a place where they stay when they can't move on. why weren't the rest of these guys allowed to move on.
3. when did Kate and Sawer die that they were "moving on" with the rest of them?
answering my 3rd question, the "flash sideways" or "collective dream" or "limbo" while it did not actually have its own place in time or space, must have occurred after the last of the characters died. Hurley and Ben's brief conversation about "#1 and #2 shows that they must have lived their lives. i can also assume that the ones who escape on the plane lived out their lives before finally "moving on"
i DO believe though tha Rose and Bernard were already dead as of last night, they were just on the same boat as Michael and were unable to "move on" but after last night they were finally able to, which is why we saw the dog come over to jack at the very end there. because th two of them were gone
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by BoyzRFlatt:
answering my 3rd question, the "flash sideways" or "collective dream" or "limbo" while it did not actually have its own place in time or space, must have occurred after the last of the characters died. Hurley and Ben's brief conversation about "#1 and #2 shows that they must have lived their lives. i can also assume that the ones who escape on the plane lived out their lives before finally "moving on"
i DO believe though tha Rose and Bernard were already dead as of last night, they were just on the same boat as Michael and were unable to "move on" but after last night they were finally able to, which is why we saw the dog come over to jack at the very end there. because th two of them were gone
I thought Vincent came over to Jack just because it was paralleling what happened in the pilot. He followed the dog in the beginning, and the dog kept him company at the end. No one should die alone, after all.
this is true. almost forgot about that actually. but im still sticking with my guns on this one. i feel like they died last season