If any of you wanna add me and play sometime my summoner name is xAnbu and im lvl 30. I play tank a lot though I play a few Tanky DPS and a few casters.
For anyone who doesn't know what League of Legends is its a Free to Play MOBA like Dota that in the last 2 years had become popular enough to be a bug event at Dreamhack and has officially entered MLG Pro Circuit. Its 2 Teams of 5 that go head to head to destroy the other teams nexus. Its for the PC and gets pretty intense and require teamwork and communication. Id post a link to the video of gameplay but theres so much I dont know which to choose from haha. If you get intrested though use this to sign up http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4c9018e13dc8c729206480 its my referral link so I can get some little bonuses