Kat Reviews vol. 1- Snoopy's Grand Adventure
For those of you who are unfamiliar with me (Who could you be?), I'm a hard critic, because I view 10 as perfect, and essentially unattainable. So if something is an 8 or 9, that's pretty darn good. A 7 is average, a 5 is bare minimum and a 4 or below clearly grew legs and walked out of quality control on its own, because there's no way a studio should have given it the ok.
So, with no further ado, let's get to the review!
Yes! Snoopy's Grand Adventure!
So- Snoopy's Grand Adventure is a tie in game for a movie attempting to reboot a fairly tired franchise. Fair notice- despite living in Minnesota for most of my adult life, I'm not a Peanuts fan. Historically, I've found the movies depressing and a bit dumb. So I have not seen the movie that this game ties in to. I don't think that really matters in this game.

It's a little scary, IMO.
I'm sure there's a plot, but I skipped over the beginning parts and just played the game. I have absolutely zero regrets about my choice. Whatever the plot is, they don't talk about it through the rest of the game, so it really didn't matter.
I Red Boxed this one because my 6 year old wanted to play it. He got through almost all of it on his own before we returned it so, obviously, it's a very short game and an easy completion. It plays basically like an old SNES platformer. Think Bubsy... or some game that wasn't about a bobcat, I guess. Whatever. You jump around a 2d world and collect jellybeans, birds and kids. You also collect costumes that give you special powers so you can get the rest of the collectibles.

This is basically all there is to it.
Graphically... it's a cartoon. If you like the Peanuts, you know what to expect from the game. It's brightly colored, and about as detailed as anything I've ever seen the Peanuts in. The music is catchy, and I actually didn't hate it. Pretty standard Peanuts stuff.
The controls are pretty solid, I've read reviews where people had some complaints, but I didn't experience anything like that in my playthrough. I didn't encounter any glitches, either. Like all platformers, there are some frustrating parts- having to jump through the air suspended by tornados comes to mind- but it's not a terribly difficult game. The boss fights can take a second to figure out, but they aren't puzzles like a Zelda game would be. The achievements are easy, and there are worse ways to pass time.
TL;DR version (really? Is that needed? This is a pretty short review). It's worth a rent, or a buy when you can pick it up for $10-15. It's a short game, and once you get all the collectibles there's no reason to replay it, so spending more doesn't make sense. It would be a better game if it was a different franchise, perhaps one with a main character who talks... but it is what it is- a solid, fun, old school platformer, that hits you right in the nostalgia.
Score: 7.5/10 Easy enough for a 6 year old, but pH balanced- for you! [/url]