Archived: happy birthday!
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happy birthday!
12/06/08 3:13 pm | #1
......Fshguy! fshguy may not be a reg here but he is responsible for creating the badge system at 360voice. so happy birthday man!
Re: happy birthday!
12/06/08 3:14 pm | #3
fshguys bday? woa
happy bday!
happy bday!
Re: happy birthday!
12/06/08 3:18 pm | #4
Quote by PSORaine:
Yeah... in honor of him, a joke!
What do you call a fish with no eyes?
What do you call a fish with no eyes?
Re: happy birthday!
12/06/08 3:26 pm | #6
a fish with no eyes
is called
a fsh wth no eyes...
theres no I's
is called
a fsh wth no eyes...
theres no I's
Re: happy birthday!
12/06/08 3:28 pm | #7
Quote by PSORaine:
Fssssshhhhhhhhhhhh... (it's really hard to write out the sh sound to show you're doing it for a long time!!)
Fssssshhhhhhhhhhhh... (it's really hard to write out the sh sound to show you're doing it for a long time!!)
this one has me semi stumped. is it sh..infinite cause the fish needs it be quiet so he can hear where he's going?
Re: happy birthday!
12/06/08 3:28 pm | #8
yea i dont get that either :/
my answer is better
my answer is better
Re: happy birthday!
12/06/08 5:54 pm | #10
I came for the grape punch.
Re: happy birthday!
12/06/08 6:16 pm | #12
its disgusting
its disgusting
Re: happy birthday!
12/07/08 1:25 am | #13
Re: happy birthday!
12/07/08 4:58 pm | #14
happy birthday!