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Archived: Halo: The Master Chief Collection
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Re: Re: Re: Halo: The Master Chief Collection
11/12/14 12:24 am | #16
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Is buying the MCC the only way to get Halo 2??
...and it's only on the xbone.... 
Re: Re: Re: Re: Halo: The Master Chief Collection
11/12/14 12:26 am | #17
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
...and it's only on the xbone....
it's time to upgrade.
Re: Halo: The Master Chief Collection
11/12/14 1:02 am | #18
I had 3 random of the 7 achievements unlock and not all at the same time. Plus matchmaking basically doesn't work. God bless Microsoft
Re: Halo: The Master Chief Collection
11/12/14 12:33 pm | #19
Anybody down for some Co-op? I'll be for the most part all day.
Re: Halo: The Master Chief Collection
11/12/14 1:10 pm | #20
I'd be down to coop sometime after 8 Eastern time. With matchmaking basically down I'm craving this game so hard but its so much less fun playing legendary by myself
Re: Re: Halo: The Master Chief Collection
11/12/14 2:07 pm | #21
Quote by BoyzRFlatt:
I had 3 random of the 7 achievements unlock and not all at the same time. Plus matchmaking basically doesn't work. God bless Microsoft
the achievements app messes up sometimes, you will eventually unlock those achievements but It could be a week from now.
Re: Re: Re: Halo: The Master Chief Collection
11/12/14 3:06 pm | #22
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by BoyzRFlatt:
I had 3 random of the 7 achievements unlock and not all at the same time. Plus matchmaking basically doesn't work. God bless Microsoft
the achievements app messes up sometimes, you will eventually unlock those achievements but It could be a week from now.
I'm' not worried about it, apparently its happening to basically everyone
Re: Halo: The Master Chief Collection
11/12/14 3:41 pm | #23
There's a limit as to how many achievements the queue can hold before you go over it and have no chance ever at unlocking those achievements again. The queue is believed to be 20, but there's no solid proof. There's a few people who claim to have gotten around 50 in this game when the achievements were messed up. They said they got all the later ones but not the very first ones, and they cannot get the others to pop after several attempts. Only time will tell if they pop eventually.
Re: Re: Halo: The Master Chief Collection
11/12/14 3:46 pm | #24
Quote by AJ:
There's a limit as to how many achievements the queue can hold before you go over it and have no chance ever at unlocking those achievements again. The queue is believed to be 20, but there's no solid proof. There's a few people who claim to have gotten around 50 in this game when the achievements were messed up. They said they got all the later ones but not the very first ones, and they cannot get the others to pop after several attempts. Only time will tell if they pop eventually.
queue as in the progress tracker bar, if so that's awful.
don't make a giant list of achievements of your achievement trackers can't even keep up with the amount of achievements you put in it!
Re: Halo: The Master Chief Collection
11/12/14 4:09 pm | #25
Queue as in it'll only remember a certain number of achievements you should have unlocked but didn't. Like getting a certain terminal or other achievements that are only one part and not necessarily tracked.
I just think it's bullshit that achievements taking ~48 hours to unlock is considered normal now.
Re: Halo: The Master Chief Collection
11/12/14 4:12 pm | #26
oh okay, thanks for clarifying that.
that's still garbage though.
there's 0 reason why this game needed this many achievements in the first place.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Halo: The Master Chief Collection
11/12/14 8:28 pm | #27
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
...and it's only on the xbone....
it's time to upgrade.
...but what about my backlog?? If I get an xbone I know I won't go back to my 360.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Halo: The Master Chief Collection
11/12/14 8:54 pm | #28
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
it's time to upgrade.
...but what about my backlog?? If I get an xbone I know I won't go back to my 360.
I still go back and play my 360 games sometimes, but at this point you would have played them if you really wanted to.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Halo: The Master Chief Collection
11/12/14 9:17 pm | #29
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
...but what about my backlog?? If I get an xbone I know I won't go back to my 360.
I still go back and play my 360 games sometimes, but at this point you would have played them if you really wanted to.
What Snappy said....I JUST bought an XB1 yesterday and my 360 backlog is ginormous and I definitely plan on going back to play those.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Halo: The Master Chief Collection
11/12/14 10:57 pm | #30
Quote by Xandler:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
I still go back and play my 360 games sometimes, but at this point you would have played them if you really wanted to.
What Snappy said....I JUST bought an XB1 yesterday and my 360 backlog is ginormous and I definitely plan on going back to play those.
My 360 is on RGB and my One is on HDMI so i have them both plugged into the same tv I just switch back and forth, especially since Halo and Unity will NOT stop freezing up
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