Quote by PSORaine:
you can try, taquito... but if there's no host advantage you'll have to resort to grenade tagging like a bitch to get kills... hahahahahahahahaha
Quote by PSORaine:
lol choose shorter match lengths...
And Taco and Evol were playing against me and Laguna and we were OWNING them (well he was and I was staying out of the way). And Taco's all pissed at Laguna for never shooting his weapon, lol, he was just meleeing them... so Taco starts grenade tagging and that is why he's a bitch

But 2 on 2 isn't that fun...
but taggin is mah specialty :o now i can go around and tag strategic locations :o
aka, wherever im hiding, since even the smoke has a new "pop" when it explodes from on the the wall
but nah, this time, i dnot have to walk into your chainsaws, i can duel for the kill
but no, laguna double meleeing was annoying....had to forkin blow his arse apart just to stop it lol....then next round came and i was like "screw it im taggin!"
then canals came and i was walkin into chainsaws while laguna sat there w/ a sniper missing shots...which i couldve prolly gotten or atleast gave them more damage... (snipers are my fave weapons in shooters
