Quote by BlackHoleFTW:
If this is a fun site that has fun events it will attract more people from xbox. If its a site where people just talk about stuff that will not attract very many at all. I know there is something in the works for an event but having multiple events back to back is what will attract more people and make this the site to be at for xbox users

I believe you are missing the point about the funding issue. This site lives on limited advertisements and rare donations from its members. Running multiple events back to back would require a good amount of funding to produce rewards for its winners. No one will just join the site for a competition, they can get that daily via matchmaking on Live. But that's where you come in. Your word of mouth to various members across Xbox Live speaking of how great Xbox America is, brings in new members. Then with active participation from the new members the website raises in value so to speak. Bringing in a higher dollar signs to advertise on this site, not to mention new member donations. Once all that happens, Xbox America would be able to produce some huge events with plenty of swag.