Archived: Gamerscore Competition
Posted Under: Suggestions & Bug Reports
Gamerscore Competition
07/14/12 1:04 pm | #1
I love doing the weekly challenges for gamerscore but looking at the start of this site you had other challenges that had particular names and last different periods of time. Why don't we do those anymore, also why don't we have any social gaming events. I would like to see social gaming events running all the time, or competitions, we need more things where everyone from xboxamerica can play games with each other and get to know each other better instead of just playing with the same people week in and week out. The only rule that really should be enforced should be time stamps online, its not fair to everyone if someone is playing offline then post their scores before the competition ends. Like I said it doesn't have to be a competition, we just need more events for xbox america in general.
Re: Gamerscore Competition
07/14/12 11:19 pm | #2
It was a lot of work to run the FGC's. Since then the community has grown quite a bit and with that would come more drama and work.
Re: Gamerscore Competition
07/14/12 11:52 pm | #3
I'm willing to help if we have enough people on board, this site could have so much more stuff to do.
Re: Gamerscore Competition
07/15/12 12:39 am | #4
Last time we had one of these it caused a lot of drama, a lot of hard feelings and we lost a bunch of regular members. Maybe next year, but probably not this year.
Re: Gamerscore Competition
07/15/12 1:36 am | #5
Re: Gamerscore Competition
07/17/12 10:32 pm | #6
I like the idea but I'm kinda new to site so idk bout past drama.
Re: Gamerscore Competition
07/18/12 12:20 am | #7
Like I said it doesn't have to be a competition, its like the older members of the site don't want to change anything. You will never get 100% approved on any change, but you have to improve to make this a place people want to be a part of right...
Re: Gamerscore Competition
07/18/12 1:13 am | #8
I'd be careful about saying the "older" members of the site don't want to change anything. Although that may be true in some cases, the resistance you may be getting is probably not due to the reason you think. We have done other social things and competitions previously. It's not that they are a bad idea, but saying we should do them and having a plan on HOW we should do them are two different things.
Gamerscore competitions have been frowned upon here as of late for a lot of reasons. A lot of people were involved in the last big ones done and...well let's just say that there were a lot of unplanned things that went on in the competition, and it caused a lot of drama. You want to set up a gamerscore competition? Great! Tell us how you think it should be run, not just suggest the idea and then wonder why we don't want to do it. We do have good reasons.
Same with the social gatherings. The events are there for just that reason. You can make your own social event for the site. Figuring out a game that a lot of people would want to play, and at a time everyone can do it? Different story.
Again, suggesting the site make changes is all well and good, but none of the staff are paid to be here, we're all volunteers. All of us also have other responsibilities (and frankly only one person can alter a lot of the setup of the site). So if you want change to happen on the site, work out some of the details and throw them here in the thread. I'm sure plenty of people will have input for you and should you get something going, then I'm sure a more "official" event/competition for XBA can be set up at that point.
Gamerscore competitions have been frowned upon here as of late for a lot of reasons. A lot of people were involved in the last big ones done and...well let's just say that there were a lot of unplanned things that went on in the competition, and it caused a lot of drama. You want to set up a gamerscore competition? Great! Tell us how you think it should be run, not just suggest the idea and then wonder why we don't want to do it. We do have good reasons.
Same with the social gatherings. The events are there for just that reason. You can make your own social event for the site. Figuring out a game that a lot of people would want to play, and at a time everyone can do it? Different story.
Again, suggesting the site make changes is all well and good, but none of the staff are paid to be here, we're all volunteers. All of us also have other responsibilities (and frankly only one person can alter a lot of the setup of the site). So if you want change to happen on the site, work out some of the details and throw them here in the thread. I'm sure plenty of people will have input for you and should you get something going, then I'm sure a more "official" event/competition for XBA can be set up at that point.
Re: Gamerscore Competition
07/18/12 3:21 am | #9
I appreciate you taking the time to write all that Mini. I realize something happened last summer, I take it even though nobody will say what? That event shouldn't have killed the possibility of new events just because it went wrong. It would also help if someone could tell me what happened since I don't know and maybe I can think of a solution to the problem.
Considering Kinect PlayFit just came out and has some hard achievements linked for calorie burned and friends needed maybe we could do one week of Kinect Only games where everyone burns calories and we post them on a seperate leaderboard. This would benefit everyone on this site who has kinect and shouldn't cause any problems in anyway shape or form with any members of this community. I can think of many more ideas but this one is fresh since Kinect PlayFit just went live recently.
Please give me your feedback. I have no problems helping set something up or manage the event while its going on. I would just like to see more social events from this site and more friendly/fresh competitions.
Considering Kinect PlayFit just came out and has some hard achievements linked for calorie burned and friends needed maybe we could do one week of Kinect Only games where everyone burns calories and we post them on a seperate leaderboard. This would benefit everyone on this site who has kinect and shouldn't cause any problems in anyway shape or form with any members of this community. I can think of many more ideas but this one is fresh since Kinect PlayFit just went live recently.
Please give me your feedback. I have no problems helping set something up or manage the event while its going on. I would just like to see more social events from this site and more friendly/fresh competitions.
Re: Gamerscore Competition
07/18/12 7:15 am | #10
There's probably not going to be a lot of interest in anything Kinect related, as anytime the subject of Kinect comes up, the overwhelming site consensus is that it's not well-loved. Make an event though, and see what happens!
Like Minioger said, the site gives you the opportunity to make your own event if you have a game that you want to play. But putting tournaments together isn't as simple as just saying "let's do something" and waiting for someone else to do it.
I, personally, am planning 2 things right now and have been tossing a few ideas for a 3rd around, as well. But considering how much preparation goes into running something like what you're asking, and the fact that the staff all have busy lives outside of the site, it takes time from getting an idea to announcing it to the members. Don't think that just because you don't know about something, nothing is in the works!
If you want to see changes on the site, make suggestions. If you want to see the site recover, be more active! Bring new members! Participate in people's events! We definitely do need members to remember why they joined the site, and why they've stuck with it. The biggest way you can help the site right now is by posting on it. Donate your time... (and your stuff- donate your stuff to the staff!
Like Minioger said, the site gives you the opportunity to make your own event if you have a game that you want to play. But putting tournaments together isn't as simple as just saying "let's do something" and waiting for someone else to do it.
I, personally, am planning 2 things right now and have been tossing a few ideas for a 3rd around, as well. But considering how much preparation goes into running something like what you're asking, and the fact that the staff all have busy lives outside of the site, it takes time from getting an idea to announcing it to the members. Don't think that just because you don't know about something, nothing is in the works!
If you want to see changes on the site, make suggestions. If you want to see the site recover, be more active! Bring new members! Participate in people's events! We definitely do need members to remember why they joined the site, and why they've stuck with it. The biggest way you can help the site right now is by posting on it. Donate your time... (and your stuff- donate your stuff to the staff!

Re: Gamerscore Competition
07/18/12 3:52 pm | #11
You have my time, I'm about to donate to the waffle thread, I am an active member on the boards, I play in the competitions and the events and I also help setup events for mine and others benefit. I'm just trying to help make the site a better community rather than just another game website. You all know your competing with x360a(also a member there and they have a better guide setup than this site) and true achievements among others and I think you all have the best idea to start and the best format but some things could be tweaked to make it better. I have an event setup right now for Kinect PlayFit and so far have 5 people enrolled, its for everyones benefit who like achievement points to join as like you said most people on this site are lazy and don't want to spend much energy to get achievements. My event and this idea for a competition would just make it easier for all us lazy people who don't want to burn 25,000 calories with just 3 friends doing the same. I'd rather just burn 1,000 calories with 100 people involved, doesn't have to be that many but you get the idea. Thanks for giving feedback

Re: Gamerscore Competition
07/18/12 7:39 pm | #12
We're really not competing with either of those sites... Those are both global and have ridiculous amounts of staff and resources. Every competition here with prizes will have to be funded out of the staff's pockets. We don't get enough traffic to justify much swag from game companies.
In regards to activity, I'm not kidding when I say coming and posting is the most helpful thing you can do. You, personally, average 1/5 of a post per day... Not to single you out, but you're the one who says you're active. We don't need everyone to join and spam the hell out of the site, lol, but our reviews and articles need to be read and discussed. Conversations in threads shouldn't be limited to just random thoughts and grinds my gears. Like I said- we need activity if we ever plan to compete with bigger sites.
In regards to activity, I'm not kidding when I say coming and posting is the most helpful thing you can do. You, personally, average 1/5 of a post per day... Not to single you out, but you're the one who says you're active. We don't need everyone to join and spam the hell out of the site, lol, but our reviews and articles need to be read and discussed. Conversations in threads shouldn't be limited to just random thoughts and grinds my gears. Like I said- we need activity if we ever plan to compete with bigger sites.
Re: Gamerscore Competition
07/18/12 9:03 pm | #13
Well I didn't mean to get this off topic. I try to post when I find it interesting but I can't comment on everything. That ratio doesn't take into account the days I don't even sign in. I would love to be more active but I have 2 little girls and a full time job as well as my obvious video game addicion 
If this is a fun site that has fun events it will attract more people from xbox. If its a site where people just talk about stuff that will not attract very many at all. I know there is something in the works for an event but having multiple events back to back is what will attract more people and make this the site to be at for xbox users

If this is a fun site that has fun events it will attract more people from xbox. If its a site where people just talk about stuff that will not attract very many at all. I know there is something in the works for an event but having multiple events back to back is what will attract more people and make this the site to be at for xbox users

Re: Gamerscore Competition
07/19/12 12:38 am | #14