Archived: First game you ever played
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: First game you ever played
04/12/12 12:15 pm | #31
Resident Evil 1 on the PSX when I was 3 years old i would always play it with my older sister. She couldn't say no to this cute face and then I would always have nightmares. haha.
Re: First game you ever played
04/12/12 12:21 pm | #32

This one.
Re: First game you ever played
05/03/12 12:50 pm | #33
Combat on the 2600...still have the cart somewhere in the house along with the 2600.
Re: First game you ever played
05/03/12 3:06 pm | #34

Re: Re: First game you ever played
05/03/12 7:13 pm | #35
Quote by Wrothgar2009:

Re: First game you ever played
05/03/12 8:50 pm | #36
Pong then one of the best ever battletoads lol
Re: First game you ever played
05/03/12 11:31 pm | #37
Resident Evil 1
Re: First game you ever played
05/05/12 5:44 pm | #38
Super Smash Bros. On the N64
Re: First game you ever played
05/05/12 6:01 pm | #39
Super Mario Bros (NES)...or an Atari game I can't remember.
Re: First game you ever played
05/05/12 9:00 pm | #41
If were not counting Pinball machines, my very first video game was Asteroids coin-op down at the corner store. Also Bazooka bubble gum was 3 for a penny which I would take to school and sell for a nickel each. 25 cents a game play was expensive back in the day!!!
Re: First game you ever played
05/06/12 4:33 am | #42
haha that is incredibly clever asnd shows how true you want to play the game, so you strategically found a way to make money to play. you sir, are awesome
Re: First game you ever played
05/06/12 6:05 pm | #43
Mine was duck hunt on the nes
Re: First game you ever played
05/06/12 6:34 pm | #44
Super Mario Bros.
Re: Re: First game you ever played
05/06/12 7:17 pm | #45
Quote by BillyCoyle321:
Super Mario Bros.
hell yes! i can vividly remember playing this every single day of my childhood whenever i went to my aunt's store to play. i would always make it to the last world map and never got to beat bowser. wished Super Nes had a save cartridge