Quote by Top Dogs 360:
I need to know where to find these weapons.
Fang- Dragoon Lance
Lighting- Organyx
Hope- Mapelus
Sazh- Aldebarans
Snow- Sacrificial Circle
Vanille- Tiger Claw
Thank You.
the Gilgamesh Inc. store sells all of those, you will get the store after finishing mark mission #46. but they cost a ton though -_-
Organyx - 280,000
Aldebarans - 263,000
Sacrificial Circle - 210,000
Malphas - 198,000
Tigerclaw - 300,000
Dragoon Lance - 230,000
lol you're looking at nearly 1.5 million gil for all of those weapons, and that's not even including leveling them xD .........and i just realized i have to get all of those weapons myself too
on a side note: i just realized something on gil grinding. isn't it also profitable to get Growth Eggs from mission #55 and sell those? they go for 250,000 gil a piece. once you max out all roles, there's really no need to stick with the Adamantoise right? and if you fight the Neochu, the Growth Egg is guranteed when you win the fight. the only problem i see with this method is having to run back and re-activating the C'ieth stone everytime...