Archived: Deus Ex: Human Revolution
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Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution
08/24/11 9:08 pm | #17
I don't know, I am playing through this and I am having a lot of fun playing it. Although I'm saving and reloading quite a few times because I'm trying to stealth my way through the whole game and not killing anyone.....but I have to start all over again tonight. I am just having a lot of fun with this so far.
Re: Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution
08/24/11 9:37 pm | #18
Quote by ThatRetroKid:
No one at my gamestop knows a damn thing about video games.
Once you ask me if I want Gears Of War 3 for PS3 or Xbox 360, I'm a smack bitch XD
True Story
Once you ask me if I want Gears Of War 3 for PS3 or Xbox 360, I'm a smack bitch XD
True Story

Re: Re: Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution
08/24/11 11:57 pm | #19
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
You can't trust the average gamestop worker. Mine sold me on Brink hardcore and it was very mediocre. Conversly they said Bayonetta was average and it just so happened to be the funnest action game ive ever played.
You can't trust reviewers either--

While the categories do look like it's an outstanding game, do those scores really add up to a perfect 10??? This review would be more credible if they gave it a 9.5 like it clearly earned with their rating system.
Yeah you would think that in order for it to be a perfect 10/10 they would give each of the categories a full 100%
Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution
08/25/11 1:37 am | #20
Just picked it up today. Looking foward to starting this one up.
Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution
08/25/11 4:06 pm | #21
I'm having a blast with it so far, couldn't stop playing it today even though I need to go to bed for work
I'd give it a 9.5 out of 10 so far, have a few minor complaints. There's not enough stores in the game and I've gone about 3 hours or so in the last 2 missions without a single store in sight and have had a full inventory (maxed out space too) which is pretty damn annoying. The lack of a stat page is a huge annoyance to me also especially in a game so large and sometimes the enemy AI is a bit ridiculous with how far away they see you do stuff, I've been caught hacking through walls several times now and have been spotted knocking a dude out by a guy underneath me and across the map through a solid steel catwalk, other than that I love the game, plays like a mix of Splinter Cell, Metal Gear Solid, and dialogue similar to Mass Effect.

Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution
08/25/11 6:40 pm | #23
I can finally talk about this game lol. I tested this game for months, and I have seen everything this game has to offer, and seeing all these reviewers calling it a masterpiece for giving the player choice is so weird to me. The game only gives the illusion of choice with different path to take within the level and whether or not the enemy shoots you or walks away, nothing extraordinary. Also, the whole "The main quest will take 15+ hours to beat" is a crock of shit. The game can be beaten in under 3 hours on Hard without killing a single person.
That said, the game is good and very enjoyable with some unique things to offer, like the meta-game within the game that gives a slightly different ending depending on how the player plays. Things like how many people you kill or conversations you fail/pass will affect the outcome. This is something that the player cannot see or track, which I think is cool and would to see implemented more thouroughly within other RPGs.
Overall the game is like an 7.5 to me, its a good with some good ideas but certainly not amazing. Also, they don't credit my team for working on the project, so yeah, thanks Eidos Montreal.
That said, the game is good and very enjoyable with some unique things to offer, like the meta-game within the game that gives a slightly different ending depending on how the player plays. Things like how many people you kill or conversations you fail/pass will affect the outcome. This is something that the player cannot see or track, which I think is cool and would to see implemented more thouroughly within other RPGs.
Overall the game is like an 7.5 to me, its a good with some good ideas but certainly not amazing. Also, they don't credit my team for working on the project, so yeah, thanks Eidos Montreal.
Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution
08/25/11 8:57 pm | #24
this game is prepping us for MGSR
Re: Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution
08/25/11 9:21 pm | #25
Quote by Adrian:
this game is prepping us for MGSR
This game is great I love the concept and yes I do think they are preparing us for MGSR! Can't wait!
Re: Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution
08/25/11 9:22 pm | #26
Quote by Circus:
I'm having a blast with it so far, couldn't stop playing it today even though I need to go to bed for work
I'd give it a 9.5 out of 10 so far, have a few minor complaints. There's not enough stores in the game and I've gone about 3 hours or so in the last 2 missions without a single store in sight and have had a full inventory (maxed out space too) which is pretty damn annoying. The lack of a stat page is a huge annoyance to me also especially in a game so large and sometimes the enemy AI is a bit ridiculous with how far away they see you do stuff, I've been caught hacking through walls several times now and have been spotted knocking a dude out by a guy underneath me and across the map through a solid steel catwalk, other than that I love the game, plays like a mix of Splinter Cell, Metal Gear Solid, and dialogue similar to Mass Effect.

Hey circus just go to your pad and drop stuff on the floor and it stays there for furture references.
Re: Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution
08/25/11 9:32 pm | #27
Quote by BigZuDaddy:
Rented Deus Ex yesterday and so far it's pretty good. Like how they mixed the fps and rpg mechanics together. Also was surprised to see that you have a choice in what Jenson say with the dialogue wheel thing. One thing that bothers me though is the fact the Jenson sounds so monotone and that he shows absolutely no emotion whatsoever. I'm only about 2 hours into the game but the guys tone hasn't changed at all during the early part of the game, kind of takes me out of the story.
dude....seriously, you can't hear any emotion from him? Because Jenson is far from Monotone. Whenever I'm playing the game, I swear I can see Clint Eastwood in the booth doing the voice work for this guy. I don't know, you just got to see what kind of guy this dude is. He isn't one for showing his emotions on his sleeve. He is an ex-swat, miltary(?) type in a head security position. So he isn't going to let a lot of people see any kind of emotion from him. He is in charge of protecting a lot of lives so I mean, he's going to have the hardened exterior. But if you really listen to him, especially the banter between him and the tech dude, you can hear emotion and sarcasm....It's quite entertaining.
Maybe you're just not that good at picking up emotion in peoples voices?

Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution
08/25/11 11:13 pm | #28
should be getting this via gamefly soon I can't wait to play it ive heard nothing but good stuff about it
Re: Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution
08/25/11 11:53 pm | #29
Quote by Bullets Chase:
Also, the whole "The main quest will take 15+ hours to beat" is a crock of shit. The game can be beaten in under 3 hours on Hard without killing a single person.
like the meta-game within the game that gives a slightly different ending depending on how the player plays. Things like how many people you kill or conversations you fail/pass will affect the outcome.
like the meta-game within the game that gives a slightly different ending depending on how the player plays. Things like how many people you kill or conversations you fail/pass will affect the outcome.