Archived: Defiance
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Been trying to keep up with the thread hoping to get some good news on the game and it's nothing but issues, guess they don't want people's money for a working game

Quote by Circus:

Been trying to keep up with the thread hoping to get some good news on the game and it's nothing but issues, guess they don't want people's money for a working game

but you're acting like it's only MMO's, it's impossible to have the servers ready for the day 1-week 1 strain that will they will have. 99% of mp games have isues the first day to the first week for the mp component, but they've been actively been able to get patches out compared to a BF 3, Halo 4, etc.
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Circus:

Been trying to keep up with the thread hoping to get some good news on the game and it's nothing but issues, guess they don't want people's money for a working game

but you're acting like it's only MMO's, it's impossible to have the servers ready for the day 1-week 1 strain that will they will have. 99% of mp games have isues the first day to the first week for the mp component, but they've been actively been able to get patches out compared to a BF 3, Halo 4, etc.
There is a difference between a game having online and being completely online. It isn't acceptable.
Also what you mention with those shooter games are minor flaws, not numerous people being unable to use the server. I have had no problem playing any Halo game online the day it comes out. This game has now been out several days and is still virtually unplayable for some people. Not even in the same category IMO.
Quote by Minioger:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
but you're acting like it's only MMO's, it's impossible to have the servers ready for the day 1-week 1 strain that will they will have. 99% of mp games have isues the first day to the first week for the mp component, but they've been actively been able to get patches out compared to a BF 3, Halo 4, etc.
There is a difference between a game having online and being completely online. It isn't acceptable.
Also what you mention with those shooter games are minor flaws, not numerous people being unable to use the server. I have had no problem playing any Halo game online the day it comes out. This game has now been out several days and is still virtually unplayable for some people. Not even in the same category IMO.

Quote by Circus:
Quote by Minioger:
There is a difference between a game having online and being completely online. It isn't acceptable.
Also what you mention with those shooter games are minor flaws, not numerous people being unable to use the server. I have had no problem playing any Halo game online the day it comes out. This game has now been out several days and is still virtually unplayable for some people. Not even in the same category IMO.

but there has been word from the developers and they have been actively remedying the situation, the servers were only bad 1 day and they released a patch the 2nd day which made the game incredibly smooth.
only other downtime it's had was due to them bringig down for a half our at a time to continue to do maintenance.
tldr: theyv have been working on servers and been vocal, a lot more than other developers so youre wrong.
Quote by Minioger:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Circus:

Been trying to keep up with the thread hoping to get some good news on the game and it's nothing but issues, guess they don't want people's money for a working game

but you're acting like it's only MMO's, it's impossible to have the servers ready for the day 1-week 1 strain that will they will have. 99% of mp games have isues the first day to the first week for the mp component, but they've been actively been able to get patches out compared to a BF 3, Halo 4, etc.
There is a difference between a game having online and being completely online. It isn't acceptable.
Also what you mention with those shooter games are minor flaws, not numerous people being unable to use the server. I have had no problem playing any Halo game online the day it comes out. This game has now been out several days and is still virtually unplayable for some people. Not even in the same category IMO.
except the fact besides the first day it's been playable and running very smoothly. there's gonna be hiccups at release, look at PC games like sim city, Diablo 3, MMO's, etc, which took longer to get the servers running properly. I haven't run into an issue with the game since then besides the announced down times. and if you're playing an MMO these things are expected because they all have downtimes for regular patches.
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
But for a game that is ONLY online it is a HUGE deal. So what if they announce downtimes, what if that is during the hour or two I have to play a game?
It's fine that it doesn't bother you, but hell it bothers me and all I had done was consider picking up the game. Anyone who bought the game has every right to complain about it. It is not the same as what you described previously, and yeah look at Sim City, how well did that work out? Just because it's not as massive of a fail as that game doesn't equate to this being acceptable.

And I think the issue is way bigger with the recent rumors about the next Xbox being online only, even if it isn't, THAT'S where we're headed in the future of gaming, so it NEEDS to be a topic of emphasis and this shit NEEDS to be ironed out way BEFORE release if they ever want a lot of people's money/want people to continue to bother gaming with the hassle it's going to be if it isn't fixed sooner rather than later/last minute.
Day 1 and 2 were laggy as hell for me, just for the normal game, after that, I hit lag at the large Arkfall events, massive lag, most likely due to the sheer amount of people there at that time. To me, it pissed me off.
But then, I had another reason to be pissed anyways. I pre-ordered from Best Buy, which seems to be the 1 store that didn't get the game day 1, they didn't get it here till Friday. How was I playing day 1 you ask? By spending another $65 to buy a copy at Game Stop. Then after finally getting my pre-order copy Friday at Best Buy, I didn't get my Pre-order codes. I had to call 1888BestBuy, not once, but twice, just to get it emailed to me. They also said to expect a $10 gift card in the mail in 10 days for the troubles.
Now that I finally got the pre-order code and redeemed it in game, I can return the second copy, which is unopened. But to have to go through all that just to play a game day 1 sucks ass.
Quote by Minioger:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
But for a game that is ONLY online it is a HUGE deal. So what if they announce downtimes, what if that is during the hour or two I have to play a game?
It's fine that it doesn't bother you, but hell it bothers me and all I had done was consider picking up the game. Anyone who bought the game has every right to complain about it. It is not the same as what you described previously, and yeah look at Sim City, how well did that work out? Just because it's not as massive of a fail as that game doesn't equate to this being acceptable.
if you can only play an MMO 1 or 2 hours a day, then it's a genre not designed for people like you. it's for people that want to invest lots of time, for instance I've been on a coop mission that took 45 minutes by itself, the genre is a time sink. You can knock out a few side missions, but you'll never get to see what makes MMo's great because of time restaints. you'll only be able to do story quests or side missions, not get side tracked do a couple arkfalls and go back later, just not as fun.
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by Minioger:
But for a game that is ONLY online it is a HUGE deal. So what if they announce downtimes, what if that is during the hour or two I have to play a game?
It's fine that it doesn't bother you, but hell it bothers me and all I had done was consider picking up the game. Anyone who bought the game has every right to complain about it. It is not the same as what you described previously, and yeah look at Sim City, how well did that work out? Just because it's not as massive of a fail as that game doesn't equate to this being acceptable.
if you can only play an MMO 1 or 2 hours a day, then it's a genre not designed for people like you. it's for people that want to invest lots of time, and I'be been on a coop mission that took 45 minutes by itself, the genre is a time sink.

Quote by Circus:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
if you can only play an MMO 1 or 2 hours a day, then it's a genre not designed for people like you. it's for people that want to invest lots of time, and I'be been on a coop mission that took 45 minutes by itself, the genre is a time sink.

just because I'm used to it with MP games doesn't change the fact that it sucks day 1 games don't work anymore without massive amounts of lag.
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