Archived: Death by xbox live
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: Death by xbox live
07/31/11 3:27 am | #16
my friend told me about that shit tonight..insane
Re: Death by xbox live
07/31/11 4:49 am | #17
Its crazy but i mean cmon. after 3 hours or so i have to get up and go to the kitchen. I cant stay in one spot for a long time. but what i dont get was did he get up to use the bathroom or something?
Re: Re: Death by xbox live
07/31/11 4:58 am | #19
Quote by Demonic Aspects:
I cant sit still for more than 5 minutes I dunno how people can sit in the same spot for hours upon hours I have to keep switching spots
Re: Death by xbox live
07/31/11 9:34 am | #20 least he was out looking for a job when he collapsed. I guess it doesn't really say that either. Just say's he was in front of the job center. The media is so misleading on these type of stories.
Re: Death by xbox live
07/31/11 1:41 pm | #22
Did he die during Jackpot week?
Re: Death by xbox live
07/31/11 1:41 pm | #23
They should be looking more into his diet and blaming that, like this shit, caffeinated popcorn...

Re: Death by xbox live
07/31/11 3:15 pm | #24
You can bet that all future games will come with a warning now advising you to get up and stretch during your gaming marathon.
Re: Death by xbox live
07/31/11 3:57 pm | #25
Sounds like he needed to play Kinect or Wii....
Re: Re: Death by xbox live
07/31/11 5:57 pm | #26
Quote by EnemyBritBomber:
They should be looking more into his diet and blaming that, like this shit, caffeinated popcorn...

yes this stuff is godawful for u
Re: Re: Death by xbox live
08/01/11 4:10 am | #27
Quote by EnemyBritBomber:
They should be looking more into his diet and blaming that, like this shit, caffeinated popcorn...

That's fucking nasty. That's why gamestop is giving that shit away for pretty much nothing.
Re: Re: Re: Death by xbox live
08/01/11 4:19 am | #28
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by EnemyBritBomber:
They should be looking more into his diet and blaming that, like this shit, caffeinated popcorn...

That's fucking nasty. That's why gamestop is giving that shit away for pretty much nothing.
Gamestops in the states are giving away that? lol they just give away axe body spray up here in the great white north
Re: Re: Re: Re: Death by xbox live
08/01/11 4:25 am | #29
Quote by Heaven In Vain:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
That's fucking nasty. That's why gamestop is giving that shit away for pretty much nothing.
Gamestops in the states are giving away that? lol they just give away axe body spray up here in the great white north
Consider yourself lucky then.