Daylight Saving Time: Fact? ...or MURDERAPE!!1

Why? To avoid having to send money and resources back to the people that raised them! Limey wanking Britons!
ANYWAY one of the new rules was that for certain times of year, we would all pretend that the time we had made up was actually an hour removed from the time we had made up. This was called Daylight Saving Time because pretending everything was an hour before it really was saved candles and bovine hormones.

So hopefully somewhere around 2am this morning you remembered to set your time-tracking device back an hour.
If you didn't, the ghost of Benjamin Franklin will rise from the ground and do some hoodrat shit with your smart phone when you accidentally leave it at home.
Goodbye Daylight Saving Time, ye salacious fucker ye! We hardly knew ya yet you left enough of an impression to piss off Mudkip, and that's not an easy thing to do because Mudkip is incredibly bubbly and gushes over pretty much anything.
We shall see ye again next March the 9th in the year of our Lord 2014.