Quote by Daniel:
Quote by Melissa Evol:
I've been carded at every gamestop I've been to in the last 3 years (across 4 different states). Walmart doesn't give a crap, but I've seen gamestop employees make kids go get their parents from their cars to buy M games. IDK, maybe it's just Texas where they don't have those rules, but according to the kid that tried to flatter me and pretend that he didn't believe I was 18 even after looking at my license, it's gamestop policy to card everyone who buys an M game and they can get in trouble if they don't.
Selling to minors without parental consent is bad business, though. It just takes one pissed off mom to start a shitstorm (just ask people who played the new MOH how playing as the Taliban went).
Texas does have the rules, they're just not enforced.
If the parents who drive up to the store with their children don't even care enough to monitor the games their children buy, do they really have a reason to bitch at the employees for selling it to them? They're just there to earn (Using that word loosely) their check, no more usually.
You're of legal age? I always thought you were 17

Thats not the case Daniel, if the parent is there with the child the employee is obligated to sell the game, its parental permission and legally he is selling it to the parent but he will still have to see an ID over 18.
Plus the problem will be kids that go off on their own and buy these games, hell I'd walk to the videostore when I was thirteen and get games with my friends, no one knew what we were going to buy, we didn't even know untill we got there, the parents won't always be there to monitor the sale, especially when kids are between 14-18 when they and their friends can drive.
I'm shocked your gamestop employees don't check ID's mine are so inept I got carded when buying an E rated game, poor guy got some shit from me after that.