Archived: Article Discussion: Court: "Calif. Can't ban violent video game sales"
Posted Under: Xbox News
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Court: "Calif. Can't ban violent video game sales"
06/27/11 11:46 pm | #32
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
That's Polyandry and illegal. That and the fact that I'm not into sword fighting with Mr. Evol or any dude for that matter.
I should have phrased it thusly: "There was, I married him."
Awww shit....See you got me all excited. I was over here weighing the pros and cons of your offer.
Re: Court: "Calif. Can't ban violent video game sales"
06/28/11 11:29 am | #33
My Gamestop won't ID me. In fact they haven't ID'd me in over 4 years because of all the money I spend there. We're on a first name basis anymore. The last time I got ID'd for a video game was at Gamestop in the next town over and they're the bastards that stole my Portal 2 code. They said they had to ID me to "make sure the games I'm trading in weren't stolen." Then they steal from me!
Re: Court: "Calif. Can't ban violent video game sales"
06/28/11 12:40 pm | #34
People wanna card me I'm all like