Archived: Beer Lovers Unite!
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Re: Beer Lovers Unite!
06/01/13 3:13 pm | #66
tried some Samuel Adams summer ale at work yesterday, wasn't bad at all.
Re: Beer Lovers Unite!
06/01/13 7:37 pm | #70
Great Lakes Brewing Company.
Re: Beer Lovers Unite!
06/01/13 9:41 pm | #72
There was a cider in Mass. that my brother in law introduced me to, Wood Chuck Hard Cider. I haven't seen it here but I do remember really liking it.
Re: Re: Re: Beer Lovers Unite!
06/01/13 10:35 pm | #73
Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by xSirSwish:
You know what they say "What's my favorite kind of beer? FREE beer!"
I wouldn't say that, there's even some beer that even if offered to me free I wouldn't accept.
I have had 2 40s of Bud Lite in the fridge since Christmas. I wouldn't be caught dead drinking that shit.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Beer Lovers Unite!
06/01/13 10:40 pm | #74
Quote by theEVOL1:
Quote by Mudkip:
I wouldn't say that, there's even some beer that even if offered to me free I wouldn't accept.
I have had 2 40s of Bud Lite in the fridge since Christmas. I wouldn't be caught dead drinking that shit.

Re: Re: Re: Beer Lovers Unite!
06/01/13 10:41 pm | #75
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by TK Chillin:
We used to have a beer at the store called Beer. It was in a plain white can and in bold black letters it simply said BEER it was 2.99 for a 24pk. The funny thing is, it wasn't that bad.

I just noticed this pic! Isn't this the beer that they used in LOST??