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Archived: Beer Lovers Unite!
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Beer Lovers Unite!
01/08/12 2:14 am | #1
I was gonna bump an old thread with the same theme but noticed that it's been archived. I go through fazes where I have a favorite beer (right now it's any Yuengling) and then I have a favorite beer for certain occasions like Guinness on St. Paddy's Day or whenever I go camping I love stocking the old cooler full of Coors Original, the only canned beer I like. If I had to list my top 3 beers or breweries it would go: 1. Great Lakes Brewing Co. A local brewery in Cleveland. I especially love their Dortmunder Gold and Christmas Ale. 2. Yuengling & Son, now that they finally ship into Ohio. I love their Traditional Lager and the Black & Tan and their Light Lager is probably the best light beer I've ever drank. 3. Magic Hat Brewery out of Vermont. I love the #9 Ale and their Black Lager. Let's hear some of your favorites!

Re: Beer Lovers Unite!
01/08/12 2:21 am | #2
Re: Beer Lovers Unite!
01/08/12 3:12 am | #3
Yuengling is great,blue moon..sweet water(brewing co from atlanta) browns(from ny) blue moon is good
Re: Beer Lovers Unite!
01/08/12 3:15 am | #4
I myself am a huge fan of the Corona with lime.
Re: Beer Lovers Unite!
01/08/12 6:01 pm | #5
St. Arnold's is a small but kickass brewery here in TX, and their Fancy Lawnmower is a fuckin' delicious blonde beer with genuinely deep but delicate flavour.
Shiner Bock is a kick-ass Texas export. Their Black Lager is a deep, rich, heady beer.
Lone Star is cheap and served almost everywhere here; this is what I like to choke down at metal concerts or festivals. Quantity over quality, baby!
Re: Beer Lovers Unite!
01/08/12 6:11 pm | #6
The stock in my fridge changes all of the time. One week its this:
The next its this:
I like pretty much anything.
Re: Beer Lovers Unite!
01/08/12 6:29 pm | #7
Satan's Brew....BEER, beer is bad......mmmmKay.
Just say NO!!!
Where the Hell are my car keys.....
Re: Beer Lovers Unite!
01/08/12 6:41 pm | #8
Normally Sam Adams is my old reliable. I really like their winter ale if I go for something different.
My favorite all time is Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout. I reserve that for mostly special occasions like my birthday and such. It's pretty expensive and I have to travel a decent distance to find it. I have only found it in pints down here, so I'll grab 3 or 4 of them and that'll cost about as much as a case of domestic, but totally worth it. It's just not something you get hammered on! Lol
Re: Beer Lovers Unite!
01/08/12 9:30 pm | #9
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!" Benjamin Franklin
"An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with fools." --Ernest Hemingway
"Never trust a man that doesn't drink." - Winston Churchill
Re: Re: Beer Lovers Unite!
01/08/12 10:47 pm | #10
Quote by theEVOL1:
Normally Sam Adams is my old reliable. I really like their winter ale if I go for something different.
My favorite all time is Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout. I reserve that for mostly special occasions like my birthday and such. It's pretty expensive and I have to travel a decent distance to find it. I have only found it in pints down here, so I'll grab 3 or 4 of them and that'll cost about as much as a case of domestic, but totally worth it. It's just not something you get hammered on! Lol
Hellz yeah bro! I also love their Taddy Porter.
Re: Beer Lovers Unite!
01/09/12 12:52 am | #11
More of a domestic kinda drinker, so when I'm at a sports bar (only bar I generally go to) it's usually miller, bud lite lime, budweiser. I do like Yuengling, that's a top 5.
Re: Re: Re: Beer Lovers Unite!
01/09/12 12:56 am | #12
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by theEVOL1:
Normally Sam Adams is my old reliable. I really like their winter ale if I go for something different.
My favorite all time is Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout. I reserve that for mostly special occasions like my birthday and such. It's pretty expensive and I have to travel a decent distance to find it. I have only found it in pints down here, so I'll grab 3 or 4 of them and that'll cost about as much as a case of domestic, but totally worth it. It's just not something you get hammered on! Lol
Hellz yeah bro! I also love their Taddy Porter.

And their Nut Brown Ale!!!!
Re: Beer Lovers Unite!
01/09/12 11:35 am | #13
Anything with the name Blue Moon on it. Shock top is yummy. But I am not picky really. If it's cold, I will try it.
Re: Beer Lovers Unite!
01/09/12 11:58 am | #14

All time favorite beer.

This comes at a close second

Local brewery, has great beer. Cheap too, $13 for a cold case of bottles.
Re: Beer Lovers Unite!
01/09/12 2:26 pm | #15
So many to chose from I'd say top 3 would be Newcastle, then Sam Adams Oktoberfest, and then Leinie's Honey Weis.
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