August's Community Spotlight: iKidd 4G

So we had a vote like usual and this rogue won the popularity contest for July. Unfortunately, right around the same time, I got a brand new job with tons of hours and somehow Lord Aldemar managed to sabotage my efforts every time I tried to post this CS. I finally managed to distract Aldemar with a Rebecca Black montage on Youtube, so now this scandalous scallywag is August's Community Spotlight!
Hail and well met, iKidd! Tell us a little about yourself.
I am 27 years old and I live in North Carolina, about 45 minutes south of Raleigh. I use to own my own company where I would teach First Aid and CPR to people around the Triangle, my area, Fayetteville, Greensboro, etc..etc.. But I sold it, so now I work as a traveling Safety Consultant for businesses and I work as a Safety Specialist for Nuclear Plant Outages around the country, my most recent on being at Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station in Tonopah AZ. I am married to a beautiful and wonderful woman for almost 3 years this coming up Halloween, she also frequents XBA from time to time, Vishis31. We have two dogs, a 2 year old Chihuahua named Rebel and a 2 year old Boxer that we named Peaches. Hoping to be moving soon, I applied for a job working as there Safety Specialist for the entire North Carolina and South Carolina regions, so if I get the job I will probably be moving to Asheville. Here's hoping anyway **crosses fingers**
What is your history with gaming?
I have been gaming ever since I was 3 or 5, I don't remember. My mom bought me the original Nintendo system along with the bonus game Mario Brothers/Duck Hunt, and Gunsmoke. I have been hooked ever since. My next console was a Sega Genesis, from there I went into the Nintendo64 games, to Playstation, PSP, XBOX, and now ultimately here I am, 25+ years later on the Xbox 360 still gaming strong. Hoping to break 100,000 by the end of the year. But the way things have been going, I may end up breaking it by my birthday on October 16.....I think that maybe my new goal.
How did you originally stumble across Xbox America?
I stumbled across Xbox America by pure accident. Well not really even accident. I was a member of and there seemed to be a lot of dou..............negative people. So then I joined some other achievement site other then Never really liked it so I think I googled "Xbox 360 forums" and popped up. So I came in and hung my hat and the rest is history.
Would you kindly give us the story behind your monikers? iKidd and Kidd Cartel are interesting gamertags.
Well the gamertag was my DJ name when I was in college. I don't DJ anymore but I just kept the name. I was trying to think of a name when I started to DJ and the guys I DJ'ed with helped me, we came up with Cartel, something to do with the mexican cartels having a lock on drugs in mexico, so we said that we could get a lock on DJ'in in our town...Thus Cartel....the Kidd part just sounded good. I admit, it is rather silly, sounded good at the The iKidd is the same as "i"Phone, or "i"Pad, "i"Pod.
There is also a new york rapper with the name Kidd Cartel....but I'm keeping my name, lol
Hey speaking of DJ'ing, I noticed you've been playing DJ Hero 2 lately. How do you eel about DJ Hero overall compared to Guitar Hero and Rock Band? The difference in the controllers, and the gameplay? I know you had said DJ Hero 2 makes the higher difficulties even more difficult, what else is different in 2?
I am really enjoying DJ Hero 2, the music selection is more up to date and I just get more into it than Guitar Hero and Rock Band, I guess it helps me remember playing back in the day. I enjoy how they are creating the controllers to the music games to almost perfectly resemble the actual instrument that you are "playing". The gameplay is neat too, but my hand/eye coordination has never been too good to match up all those flying buttons and colors...I broke my left pinky finger back in the 5th grade and never had it set, so it kind of hinders me going over Medium difficulty on the guitar hero games, about a bummer, not like I would do much good anyhow.
What is your reaction to Duke Nukem Forever? Were you in to PC shooters back when it was originally in development and the whole vaporware sliding release date came about? Is there anything to the gameplay it now besides some "M-for-Mature moments" and all his whimsical one-liners?
My reaction to Duke Nukem Forever?........Would have to be, FINALLY! I was kind of late in the game to gaming to be honest with you, my first console was the NES, then I went to a Sega, then N64 when is when I played my first Duke Nukem game, that shit was awesome and I played that game so many times I could probably tell you each one of the liners he said through the game. My first PC that I played games on was the Windows 95 and that I played Sam and Max Hit The Road, Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis, and Day of the Tentacle.....but I digress. As far as vaporware, I have to admit, I am pretty foggy on that, I was disappointed when they kept pushing the release date back but I figured it was for the better. As far as the gameplay to the new Duke Nukem, it pretty much stays to the basics of what is "Duke" the one liners, the women (screw the dam, where's the women?!) I think this is a game that die hard Duke fans are going to love, for those that do not know Duke, or played previous games of Duke, I don't think they will feel the same way as we will playing it, but there are exceptions to the rule. I am loving the new game.....I need to finish it, I have gaming ADD.

What is an internet meme that you still find hilarious, and what is one you're really sick of?
The internet meme that I am finding real funny are the LA Noir inspired ones, and I tell you what, if I could, I would smack the next person that I see posting the "mindfuck shit brix" meme.
What kind of music have you been grooving to lately, and what was the last movie you watched and really enjoyed?
I really listen to anything and everything, right now I am listening to Black Label Society "Concrete Jungle" but I love the classical stuff too like Ave Maria and O Mio Babino Caro. I go from Black Label Society, to In This Moment, to Metallica, to Blake Shelton, to Five Finger Death Punch, to James Blunt. But my favorite band to listen to is Black Label Society.

As far as movie, the last big movie I watched was Transformers 3 and in my opinion, it was cool...But I like the transformers movies (except for the second one). I am also into a Guy Ritchie thing right now where I am watching all the movies he directed...I think he is a great actor and all of his movies have been excellent in my opinion, especially the ones like Layer Cake, and Snatch.
How do you feel about the Kinect and motion-based gaming in general?
I'm excited about all the motion based gaming. I really like Kinect Adventures and Motionsports, those are really the only ones that I have played. I have the UFC Personal Trainer that I have really been wanting to play but game is so broken. At least for me anyway, I can't get it to save my workouts or unlock any achievements. My wife is really looking forward to the Disney game coming out that they previewed during XBOX 360. I am also looking forward to the new update coming out later on in the fall. I just wish we could attach an external hard drive and use that for storage as well, I'd buy all my movies through the Zune marketplace.
Are you psyched for Gears of War 3?
Yeah I am pretty excited for Gears 3, I'd have to say that I am more excited for this one then I have been for the previous two that they released. But I think I maybe more excited for the Gears 3 Console that they have coming out, it just looks so damn sexy! Looking to find some people to play it with when it comes out so if any takers are out there, hit me up. I never been too much for the online multiplayer, moreso because i suck at it. But the story and the game itself i have always thought was great and can't really wait to see how it all ends.
Have you had a chance to try any of the recent superhero movie games? Thor, Green Lantern, etc?
No but I saw that the Captain America game was released. I was thinking about giving it a try. I haven't played too many waffle games lately but since we kicked out our bumass roommates i have all the time in the world so I have been trying to make a list of the ones to pick up. But no, I haven't played any of the superhero movie games yet, hell, I haven't even seen any of the super hero MOVIES yet, the last movie I saw was the new harry potter. But the captain america movie, and the game (the little bit I have seen anyway) are pretty cool and I am real anxious to play it!
There you have it guys. If you want to know more about this study in foppishness, feel free to post your questions here and I'm sure iKidd will answer them.
Special thanks once again to Revelation for the awesome header graphic!