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Archived: Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag

Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Re: Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag
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Yeah the huge storm was their for me as well. Made it a lot more interesting. I pretty much just went around the island and squeezed off shots when I could.

The legendary ships were some epic battles. 2 of them I found easy. 1 was tough and the last one was a huge pain in the ass. I would recommend that you take out the one North West in the map first. You get a very, very nice upgrade to your ship.
Re: Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag
Burnt Waffle
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Finally got this for the Xboner, not regretting it one bit, easily the best one.
Re: Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag
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What's the upper west upgrade? I'm having a damn hard time with all 4 legendary ships. (i'm fully upgraded). They all have superior guns & speed, and fire just at the right time, like a damn robot. The easiest I've found is the upper right, the 2 "normal" ships, just extra hard man-of-wars. Got 90%, then the storm just doesn't seem to affect them, they travel right into me...
Re: Re: Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag
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Quote by SeanPCannon:

What's the upper west upgrade? I'm having a damn hard time with all 4 legendary ships. (i'm fully upgraded). They all have superior guns & speed, and fire just at the right time, like a damn robot. The easiest I've found is the upper right, the 2 "normal" ships, just extra hard man-of-wars. Got 90%, then the storm just doesn't seem to affect them, they travel right into me...

If memory serves the one in the North West is the one that keeps ramming you. When doing battle with him, take him head on. Fire your chain guns along with your mortars. Right before impact, Brace!!! Then unleash your cannons as it travels by. Turn in pursuit and get ready for the next ramming speed encounter. Just wash, rinse and repeat.
Re: Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag
Competition Pro
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Sooooo just "beat?" the game. That ending:

I was expecting a few more missions. That ended rather... prematurely. Like they expected to add more, but cut it due to time. Spoiler thoughts?

Spoiler: Click here to toggle spoiler

He found another woman? The Irish redhead, maybe? His daughter hates him now? He had one last mission in England, but we never see it? Oh, and he's "wealthy" now, all of a sudden? I don't remember him getting big scores, just fighting for his life. Hell, he was in prison a few missions ago- nothing but scraps. Could we get a montage, maybe? Final battle = jumping down on an old man, and took two sword swings, then toppled him over the edge. The End? Ugh... come on. This is GOOD GAME. AC3 final battle, you're running through a burning building, against a clear enemy. I didn't even think old dude was a big threat. I put the crystal skull back, and I didn't even see any aliens. Oh wait... Black Beard is in the future. And your 1st person identity is never revealed. Because... French storytelling! We're artsy. Come on guys. 1000 people worked on this game? It's great, but could you run it through some story consultants next time, please?

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