Closed: Add Puerto Rico To Xbox America
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Re: Add Puerto Rico To Xbox America
08/03/10 11:54 am | #62

Re: Re: Add Puerto Rico To Xbox America
08/03/10 11:56 am | #64
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Seriously, want to make a bet on how fast idiots would switch to being from there to get the head of state award? If there's only 2 people on the leaderboards, 8 other people are guaranteed to be in the top 10!
That was Hitler's head speaking, not me.
Re: Re: Add Puerto Rico To Xbox America
08/03/10 12:02 pm | #65
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Seriously, want to make a bet on how fast idiots would switch to being from there to get the head of state award? If there's only 2 people on the leaderboards, 8 other people are guaranteed to be in the top 10!
you do have a good point there.
Re: Re: Add Puerto Rico To Xbox America
08/03/10 1:09 pm | #68
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Because we don't want other countries on the site. We've voted before and it was shot down.
Well canada has language barriers too. Puerto Rico's official languages are english and spanish. Canada's official language is French and english. So by letting canada here, we rish having to fish through french post. We can risk it for Puerto Rico? I guess the only reason why I'm for it is cause i have a really close friend that was born in Puerto Rico.
I have a friend who was born in South Africa, and I'm not trying to get South Africa added to the site...
As far as Canada vs Puerto Rico, while Canada has 2 national languages on the Federal level, in most areas, English is the only spoken language. Over 1/2 of Canadians ONLY speak English, and 98% speak both equally. In Puerto Rico, only 1/4 of the residents speak English in any capacity. So- not the same thing. Puerto Ricans learn English in school, but I took 4 years of German in High School, PLUS I lived in Germany for a few years, and I still wouldn't join an XBOX site just for Germans.
Even if all Puerto Ricans were fluent, what I'm saying is that the population of Puerto Rico is less than 1/2 the population of New York City. Adding a section for it would be akin to breaking down the states by city. So it would make sense if people really wanted to add US Territories to make it a general US Territory leaderboard. Which would not even double the Puerto Rico population, but still would possibly add SOME people. Hence the language barrier.
I'm sure Puerto Rican 360 players would care more about not being able to stream netflix rather than not being able to join this site, and I think crusading on behalf of people you aren't is retarded. Stop borrowing trouble and enjoy the site we have.
Quote by Durtie:
Well canada has language barriers too. Puerto Rico's official languages are english and spanish. Canada's official language is French and english. So by letting canada here, we rish having to fish through french post. We can risk it for Puerto Rico? I guess the only reason why I'm for it is cause i have a really close friend that was born in Puerto Rico.
I have a friend who was born in South Africa, and I'm not trying to get South Africa added to the site...

As far as Canada vs Puerto Rico, while Canada has 2 national languages on the Federal level, in most areas, English is the only spoken language. Over 1/2 of Canadians ONLY speak English, and 98% speak both equally. In Puerto Rico, only 1/4 of the residents speak English in any capacity. So- not the same thing. Puerto Ricans learn English in school, but I took 4 years of German in High School, PLUS I lived in Germany for a few years, and I still wouldn't join an XBOX site just for Germans.
Even if all Puerto Ricans were fluent, what I'm saying is that the population of Puerto Rico is less than 1/2 the population of New York City. Adding a section for it would be akin to breaking down the states by city. So it would make sense if people really wanted to add US Territories to make it a general US Territory leaderboard. Which would not even double the Puerto Rico population, but still would possibly add SOME people. Hence the language barrier.
I'm sure Puerto Rican 360 players would care more about not being able to stream netflix rather than not being able to join this site, and I think crusading on behalf of people you aren't is retarded. Stop borrowing trouble and enjoy the site we have.
Although I agree with your statement about fluency and your previous one about the head of state award......
It is VERY unfair to compare the population of Puerto Rico to the population of New York City. Just for reference here is a list of States (and one city) that all have less population than Puerto Rico that are represented on the site. (Note this is from a 2009 estimate)
Oregon, Oklahoma, Connecticut, Iowa, Mississippi, Arkansas, Kansas, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, West Virginia, Nebraska, Idaho, New Hampshire, Maine, Hawaii, Rhode Island, Montana, Delaware, South Dakota, Alaska, North Dakota, Vermont, District of Columbia and Wyoming.
Even if only 1/4 of the population of Puerto Rico speaks any English, that number of people still beat out Alaska through Wyoming in population (P.R. has almost 4 million people, 1/4 = 1 million people speaking english, those few states don't even have a million people living in them).
So unless we boot all those states its really not fair to say its the same as breaking it down by city.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Add Puerto Rico To Xbox America
08/03/10 1:23 pm | #70
Quote by Durtie:
Wow, I guess I'm back on board! lol. Lets just have one section and call it Georgia. Free peach cobbler for everyone that says yes!
What about hell yes? Peach cobbler sounds awesome right now

Re: Add Puerto Rico To Xbox America
08/03/10 1:47 pm | #72
Well.. Actually.. If you count the metropolitan area of NYC then the population is.. 18,000,000.
But I'm not sure, are we counting that?
And, Mini. I'm not sure Rhode Island counts as a state. I mean come on, it's the size of my backyard.
But I'm not sure, are we counting that?

And, Mini. I'm not sure Rhode Island counts as a state. I mean come on, it's the size of my backyard.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Add Puerto Rico To Xbox America
08/03/10 2:14 pm | #73
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by Minioger:
Although I agree with your statement about fluency and your previous one about the head of state award......
It is VERY unfair to compare the population of Puerto Rico to the population of New York City. Just for reference here is a list of States (and one city) that all have less population than Puerto Rico that are represented on the site. (Note this is from a 2009 estimate)
Oregon, Oklahoma, Connecticut, Iowa, Mississippi, Arkansas, Kansas, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, West Virginia, Nebraska, Idaho, New Hampshire, Maine, Hawaii, Rhode Island, Montana, Delaware, South Dakota, Alaska, North Dakota, Vermont, District of Columbia and Wyoming.
Even if only 1/4 of the population of Puerto Rico speaks any English, that number of people still beat out Alaska through Wyoming in population (P.R. has almost 4 million people, 1/4 = 1 million people speaking english, those few states don't even have a million people living in them).
So unless we boot all those states its really not fair to say its the same as breaking it down by city.
Well shit, I agree with Mini on this. Let's boot all the states that have a population less than the city of Chicago.
Sounds good to me!!!!!!!

Re: Re: Add Puerto Rico To Xbox America
08/03/10 2:17 pm | #75
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Alaska (which has a median income of $67k

Bastards! And they can see Russia from their houses!