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Closed: Add Puerto Rico To Xbox America
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Re: Re: Add Puerto Rico To Xbox America
08/02/10 11:39 pm | #31
Quote by Common Fatality:
Hard to realize sarcasm with txt dick!
Hard not to realize that it was joke if you read the few posts before his... cockpocket.
Re: Add Puerto Rico To Xbox America
08/02/10 11:41 pm | #32
Everyone should know by now that Meta is racist and tried to start a clan on here called 'White Legion'
Re: Add Puerto Rico To Xbox America
08/02/10 11:41 pm | #33
How about a section for US Territories?
Re: Re: Re: Add Puerto Rico To Xbox America
08/02/10 11:43 pm | #35
Quote by Durtie:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
How about a section for US Territories?
Thats not a bad idea.
But I think it'd be easier to just add Puerto Rico.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Add Puerto Rico To Xbox America
08/02/10 11:45 pm | #36
Quote by Durtie:
Quote by Common Fatality:
You have got to be fucking kidding me,you would think a Staff writer would know this site was once xboxohio. I'm 95% sure the guy that started this site is from Ohio and your talking shit about Ohio. Not smart,not at all. I love when dumb asses shoot off from the mouth when they don't know shit. Back on subject I vote to add Puerto Rico to XBA.
Come on man, use your head. Do you think the Dark Lord, Reverend Meta would use words like douchenozzled fucktards to really criticise people. He's joking! You'll know when he's mad, trust me. As far as saying he's not smart...... take your own advise, he's a staff member. His banhammer is from texas.
His hammer is unnecessary and self conscious about it's size?
And has an
ouuuutrageous accent?
Also, AJ. Did you just call him a vagina?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Add Puerto Rico To Xbox America
08/02/10 11:46 pm | #37
Quote by Crustyhippy:
Quote by Durtie:
Come on man, use your head. Do you think the Dark Lord, Reverend Meta would use words like douchenozzled fucktards to really criticise people. He's joking! You'll know when he's mad, trust me. As far as saying he's not smart...... take your own advise, he's a staff member. His banhammer is from texas.
Unnecessary and self conscious about it's size?
And has an
ouuuutrageous accent?
Also, AJ. Did you just call him a vagina?
Why yes, yes I did.
Thanks for noticing!
Re: Add Puerto Rico To Xbox America
08/02/10 11:55 pm | #38
Everyone is saying add Puerto Rico but you guys forgot the most important thing...
Spoiler: Click here to toggle spoilerPuerto Rican's can't afford an xbox.
Just joking! I support adding it.
Re: Re: Add Puerto Rico To Xbox America
08/02/10 11:58 pm | #39
Quote by ChubacaGMiester:
Jersey Shore FIST PUMP!
wow wait a second. as an active member representing New Jersey, i would like to say that those orange people on that shitty show are actually mostly not from New Jersey and the most recent season is not even IN New Jersey! i have never fist pumped either. and also, you have no idea how often i go to another state and the people i meet are all like "wow you're from New Jersey! do you know the situation?!! do you fist pump!??!?!" its annoying... i hate ugly orange people
Re: Re: Re: Add Puerto Rico To Xbox America
08/03/10 12:09 am | #40
Quote by BoyzRFlatt:
Quote by ChubacaGMiester:
Jersey Shore FIST PUMP!
wow wait a second. as an active member representing New Jersey, i would like to say that those orange people on that shitty show are actually mostly not from New Jersey and the most recent season is not even IN New Jersey! i have never fist pumped either. and also, you have no idea how often i go to another state and the people i meet are all like "wow you're from New Jersey! do you know the situation?!! do you fist pump!??!?!" its annoying... i hate ugly orange people
WOAH! Hold up, people live in New Jersey?!?!?!
I thought it was just one big dump...
Re: Add Puerto Rico To Xbox America
08/03/10 12:49 am | #42
Hmm, apparently with my assistance this thread has been derailed.
On topic since Puerto Rico is a part of the United States I would be for the addition of a section for them.
Lets also try to keep this on topic (even though I started the off topic stuff

Edit: and to those of you who didn't get it Meta and I were joking about the insults of the other states.
Re: Re: Add Puerto Rico To Xbox America
08/03/10 1:10 am | #43
Quote by Minioger:
Hmm, apparently with my assistance this thread has been derailed.
On topic since Puerto Rico is a part of the United States I would be for the addition of a section for them.
Lets also try to keep this on topic (even though I started the off topic stuff

Edit: and to those of you who didn't get it Meta and I were joking about the insults of the other states.
I have one to add while you guys are at it.
Take out Illinois.
Re: Add Puerto Rico To Xbox America
08/03/10 1:15 am | #44
I have one for you... Take out your FACE!
On that note. I do think that Puerto Rico should be added, but in all honesty. Why does it matter?
Re: Re: Add Puerto Rico To Xbox America
08/03/10 1:31 am | #45
Quote by Crustyhippy:
I have one for you... Take out your FACE!
On that note. I do think that Puerto Rico should be added, but in all honesty. Why does it matter?
You not from Illinois. Besides if you look at the quote attached to my comment it says all the insults were sarcasm. Including mine.
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