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Archived: You guys choose which game I will waffle next!
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Re: You guys choose which game I will waffle next!
12/10/08 7:30 pm | #31
Quote by PSORaine:
Oh you're right, it is... I'm pretending I need to go to Chicago and up to WI then over to St Paul, but the truth is, RI is a transport portal that takes you to wherever you need to go... Why else would they let it be a state???
yea, well, it is one one the original 13 colonies and it was a state way before .........ohio!
Re: You guys choose which game I will waffle next!
12/10/08 8:20 pm | #33
Quote by PSORaine:
They seriously could have condensed the 13 original colonies into 3 states and been done with it...
no, you're missing the point- the indians and the pilgrims and the horses! so many indians, so little territory. condense,condense, everybody always wants to condense! do you like condensed soup or campbell's chunky?
Re: You guys choose which game I will waffle next!
12/10/08 8:48 pm | #34
can i got to the bar w/ you guys D=
idk if its the same everyone, but in ga i cant go into a bar w/o a parent...takes the fun out of it >->
i r gon go w/ you guys

and ill bring my wet box with me

just so i can dump the melted snow in spiders face D=<
Re: You guys choose which game I will waffle next!
12/10/08 9:04 pm | #35
yea sorry taco you need a parent to go into a bar in wisconsin sorry
Re: You guys choose which game I will waffle next!
12/10/08 9:06 pm | #37
Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:
yea sorry taco you need a parent to go into a bar in wisconsin sorry
Quote by PSORaine:
Condensed soup! Tomato is mah favorite!!
sure you can come... my kid needs another kid to play with, lololololol.
He always asks me if he can send Taco and Meg friend requests... Hahahaha
fine ill use raine as a parent
id use live for a parent..but...seriously...
do i even have to give a reason for that? this is live people, he'll dress up as his avatar and walk in public (or does he already do that) if i tried to pose him as my parent
@raine - sure he can send me one..it wont get accepted for a while, but he can send it

why not
Re: You guys choose which game I will waffle next!
12/10/08 9:13 pm | #39
no tell him nao!!
if my grandma gets me a 360 for christmas, ill be able to be on live next week

we're having my moms side (well not all, but the ones in ga which isnt too many, most are in tn) christmas...hopefully ill get it then
he sends me more then 5 tho, and imma reply when i get a chance

with 23874924752094 ones
Re: You guys choose which game I will waffle next!
12/10/08 9:19 pm | #41
u haz a daughter too?
double u tee aff...
it aint gon be no endless cycle when i get on (if i goes over 5 >->

i feel so weak nao...flexed arm hang in gym, punched in that gap between your ribs (find the middle, then go down till you find a gap...its where the 2nd or 3rd from the bottom are...freakin hurts) and now the choco drunk sickess stuff.....ugh...
Re: You guys choose which game I will waffle next!
12/10/08 9:27 pm | #42
alright someone has to break the tie SOMEONE VOTE THAT HASNT lol I can't play 2 games on one 360 at the same time unless my xbox has another disc drive hidden somewhere. LOL
Re: You guys choose which game I will waffle next!
12/10/08 9:33 pm | #43
Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:
alright someone has to break the tie SOMEONE VOTE THAT HASNT lol I can't play 2 games on one 360 at the same time unless my xbox has another disc drive hidden somewhere. LOL
just go with what the coolest

people voted for. let me know what you decided.
Re: You guys choose which game I will waffle next!
12/10/08 9:45 pm | #44
well im not quite done with work just yet lol so we will see if anyone voted for anything else or not.
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