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Archived: You guys choose which game I will waffle next!
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Re: Re: You guys choose which game I will waffle next!
01/11/10 8:33 pm | #106
Quote by Melissa Evol:
I think Minioger said it wasn't good... I think that's who it was anyway...
yeah it's not very good at all
I'm starting to wish I hadn't made that semi-new year resolution to not buy any games until Bioshock 2 comes out because I could be playing something totally better 
Quote by Melissa Evol:
I don't think it took Spider even a day for the Simpsons, lol. I watched him play it (not in person, but checking his tag) and he blew through it!
Well I did blow through it but it wasn't one day (maybe time wise it was a little over a day) but if you go by the date stamps I started it on 12/11/08 and finished it on 12/14/08 so 4 days.
Re: You guys choose which game I will waffle next!
01/11/10 9:08 pm | #107
dump that BS and go rent Bayonetta, you'll be glad you did
Re: Re: You guys choose which game I will waffle next!
01/11/10 9:10 pm | #108
Quote by Meta:
dump that BS and go rent Bayonetta, you'll be glad you did
I don't have anywhere to go rent it from
. The rental store we had in town went out of business in august of last year
Re: Re: Re: You guys choose which game I will waffle next!
01/11/10 9:11 pm | #109
Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:
Quote by Meta:
dump that BS and go rent Bayonetta, you'll be glad you did

I don't have anywhere to go rent it from

. The rental store we had in town went out of business in august of last year

All the blockbusters and hollywood videos around here closed
. I guess you can rent from gamestop if you wanna just return it in 7 days, lol. Other than that, gamefly!
Re: Re: Re: Re: You guys choose which game I will waffle next!
01/11/10 9:17 pm | #110
Quote by AJ:
Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:

I don't have anywhere to go rent it from

. The rental store we had in town went out of business in august of last year

All the blockbusters and hollywood videos around here closed

. I guess you can rent from gamestop if you wanna just return it in 7 days, lol. Other than that, gamefly!
I don't wanna gamefly either lol. not that I have anything against them I just can't afford it and netflix and I'd rather have netflix. I will most definitely pick it up sometime after bioshock 2 but I have a ton of games that I need to go through and 1000 and then shelf lol.
Edit: Damn tv commercial mocking me. Go AWAY Bayonetta commercial!
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