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Archived: What would u like to see on Xbox
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Re: Re: What would u like to see on Xbox
10/17/09 9:39 pm | #46
Quote by Nemesis Mask:
How about universal cross-game video capture for the system? If individual games can do this then we need a universal system for all games.
this. lol
also (adding onto nemesis' idea) some sort of like in-console capture card. so that way you can like film stuff, then like save it on your 360. then like you could have microsoft email it to you and you can get it on your comp, edit it, and put it on youtube! then you could do a machinima in like, ANY game, and not have to spend 100$+ getting an actual capture card...
Re: Re: What would u like to see on Xbox
10/17/09 9:59 pm | #48
Quote by Aaron:
how about some more hannah montana games?
Also, I actually really like the idea of being able to buy stuff off the Live Marketplace and have it shipped to you. It would be good for lazy, rich slobs who don't mind paying full price for controllers and headsets and such.
They could even have a weekly sale/discount on certain accessories the same way they do DLC and Arcade games.
Re: What would u like to see on Xbox
10/17/09 10:19 pm | #49
Re: What would u like to see on Xbox
10/22/09 4:55 am | #51
There's a game I downloaded to my cell phone from PopCap Games called Burger Rush, I'd like to see that on XBLA. And once again, I'd like Final Fantasy 7, Killer Instinct, perfect Dark (multiplayer only) and maybe even Dragon's Lair.
Re: What would u like to see on Xbox
06/28/10 11:37 am | #52
Sega announced that they are going to start porting over Dreamcast titles..Man I'd love to see Shinobi Legions, Crazy Taxi 1 & 2, house of the Dead 2 and more
Re: Re: What would u like to see on Xbox
06/28/10 12:23 pm | #53
Quote by Durtie:
I would like to see a slimline xbox 360 with the natal add on built in.
>see durties post from october 09
>look at new 360 released, thats slim and natal ready
>back at durties posts
>back at 360 S
Re: Re: What would u like to see on Xbox
06/28/10 3:09 pm | #54
Quote by Aaron:
how about a store on the xbox, like ebay or something where you can buy things and they send them to your home? that'd be sick
EDIT: what i mean is like you can buy games, not just old on demand ones, new ones, and they send them to your house, contributing to all the lazy gamers out there

I been having that idea for a while, great minds think alike! I was thinking how Redbox and Netflix has put a lot of movie rental business' out of business...We have gamefly for rentals...but if the xbox could factor in some kind of store we can access via the 360, that would be awesome. I was thinking more of a ondemand thing, but I want the oppurtunity to trade in games that I don't play anymore (or wish I hadn't have bought.....lol)
Good idea Aaron
Re: What would u like to see on Xbox
06/28/10 3:34 pm | #56
i want an xbox 360 with a 5 disk changer....lol
Re: Re: What would u like to see on Xbox
06/28/10 3:45 pm | #57
Quote by chrisarcade:
Sega announced that they are going to start porting over Dreamcast titles..Man I'd love to see Shinobi Legions, Crazy Taxi 1 & 2, house of the Dead 2 and more
oh snap, i wouldn't mind seeing the Shenmue games ported over.
Re: What would u like to see on Xbox
06/28/10 4:33 pm | #58
i would like
stubs the zombie
land of the dead :road to fiddlers green
a new conker game
pokemon red
resident evil 4
silent hill
house of the dead 1-4 with the light gun
jet grind radio
there are so many to name haha
Re: What would u like to see on Xbox
06/28/10 4:35 pm | #59
I want Champions of Norrath and Return to Arms to be backwards-compatible.
Or better yet, repackaged onto a single disc with updated 1080p graphics and local & Live co-op.
Quote by mattd411:
house of the dead 1-4 with the light gun
Fuck yeah, and this!!
Re: What would u like to see on Xbox
06/28/10 5:36 pm | #60
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