Archived: What will you be doing while XBL is down today?
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Re: What will you be doing while XBL is down today?
06/16/09 11:08 pm | #61
played DiRT all day since there was no soccer games today, stupid Confederations Cup day off

Re: What will you be doing while XBL is down today?
06/16/09 11:40 pm | #62
When is live supposed to be back up?
Re: Re: What will you be doing while XBL is down today?
06/16/09 11:41 pm | #63
Quote by xUNDERxOATHx777:
When is live supposed to be back up?
well they say up to 24 hours....and im to sure when it was cut off. I think 3:01am so either that time again...or earlier...
Re: Re: What will you be doing while XBL is down today?
06/16/09 11:52 pm | #65
Quote by Top Dogs 360:
Has anyone noticed that Jackson is #1 in the leaderboards. Way to go Jackson you game saver you. lol
Re: What will you be doing while XBL is down today?
06/16/09 11:52 pm | #66
I have summer school all through June that ends at 12 pm. Then I ussually have volleyball at either 5 or 7 at night until 9. So I don't go on as much as I did. And it stormed in my area pretty hard to. And no I'm not retared. It's drivers ed. First time through
Re: What will you be doing while XBL is down today?
06/16/09 11:54 pm | #67
wow my games owned thing on my profile is one mess of jumbled words lol
Re: What will you be doing while XBL is down today?
06/16/09 11:58 pm | #68
Wait! Whatta ya mean Live is down?!! Son of a...(wink wink...) wait not wink wink, I think i'm having a seizure!! Quick, call 91.................
Re: Re: What will you be doing while XBL is down today?
06/17/09 12:10 am | #69
Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:
wow my games owned thing on my profile is one mess of jumbled words lol
Mine looks like tetris!!!!!

Re: Re: What will you be doing while XBL is down today?
06/17/09 12:17 am | #70
Quote by IRiSH OH:
Wait! Whatta ya mean Live is down?!! Son of a...(wink wink...) wait not wink wink, I think i'm having a seizure!! Quick, call 91.................
I called the Detroit Police Department...they said Ohio is out of district. Sorry dude.
Re: What will you be doing while XBL is down today?
06/17/09 2:45 am | #71
ahhhh i missed the discussion
but i worked....