Archived: What will you be doing while XBL is down today?
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Re: What will you be doing while XBL is down today?
06/16/09 1:28 pm | #16
Red Faction single player, SONIC Genesis collection for some achieves, and go to work. And play more Red Faction.
Re: What will you be doing while XBL is down today?
06/16/09 1:28 pm | #17
I finally figured out what ill do. Get my music back on my computer. My old hard drive broke and i haven't bothered to download it all again
Re: What will you be doing while XBL is down today?
06/16/09 1:29 pm | #19
Celebrate my dad's birthday, play WoW, and download music

Re: What will you be doing while XBL is down today?
06/16/09 1:54 pm | #20
I'll probably play prototype, any word on how long live will be down? The whole day??
Re: What will you be doing while XBL is down today?
06/16/09 1:54 pm | #21
It's after 12 noon...and I haven't decided what to do....Rock band comes to mind....maybe Sacred 2...I dunno.
Re: What will you be doing while XBL is down today?
06/16/09 2:30 pm | #23
play assassins creed nd get a haircut
Re: Re: What will you be doing while XBL is down today?
06/16/09 2:36 pm | #25
Quote by xUNDERxOATHx777:
I'll probably play prototype, any word on how long live will be down? The whole day??
they said up to 24 hours. So basically yeah.
Re: What will you be doing while XBL is down today?
06/16/09 2:39 pm | #26
It doesn't affect me at all. I'll work on Call of Duty 2 on veteran, clean some shit out for the yard sale this weekend, and listen to music. Normal day for me.
Re: What will you be doing while XBL is down today?
06/16/09 2:41 pm | #27
For you guys working on Assassins Creed, This helped me get my 1000
Re: What will you be doing while XBL is down today?
06/16/09 3:06 pm | #28
I think I might end up using the Call of Duty 2 disc as target practice, this shit is pissing me off now.
Re: What will you be doing while XBL is down today?
06/16/09 3:09 pm | #29
lol what level you on?
Re: Re: What will you be doing while XBL is down today?
06/16/09 3:30 pm | #30
Quote by Drunk3nDuffman:
I'll be sleeping most of the day. I won't play games because I don't want to get any achievements while offline. I can't stand it not have the date stamp on my achievements. I like being able to look back and see when I got things.
same here man.
i'll be playing sacred 2 eventually, but i gotta' make sure i avoid any achievements lol. maybe i'll start a new character today and stop before i hit level 15.