Archived: What grinds my gears
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Re: What grinds my gears
08/24/08 11:30 pm | #46
when some sore loser sends me a message saying i cheated.( happened to me on ut3 like 2 days ago)
Re: What grinds my gears
08/25/08 10:24 am | #47
people who use Arnold Schwarzenegger's "Get To The Chopper" over and over again on XBL....funny at first, but extremely annoying by the end....
Re: What grinds my gears
08/25/08 2:11 pm | #49
Quote by mellowdaddee:
people who use Arnold Schwarzenegger's "Get To The Chopper" over and over again on XBL....funny at first, but extremely annoying by the end....
*coughCrusifiedcough* hahah
Re: What grinds my gears
08/25/08 3:22 pm | #50
Quote by PSORaine:
lol drop the "with thick accents who use insults I can barely understand" and I agree 10000%!!!
nope. I try to always correctly address my anger. I don't think I've done anything on the list ever, and I'm willing to bet there are more besides me
I'll add one. 12 year old kids with squeaky voices who enter a room and just start swearing out of nowhere cause they think it's cool, and they make themselves a target to every jerk off in the lobby and get flamed! It makes me so sad to hear people picking on little kids, I guess because I have a little boy, and it just sucks these kids are bringing it on themselves.
nope. I try to always correctly address my anger. I don't think I've done anything on the list ever, and I'm willing to bet there are more besides me

I'll add one. 12 year old kids with squeaky voices who enter a room and just start swearing out of nowhere cause they think it's cool, and they make themselves a target to every jerk off in the lobby and get flamed! It makes me so sad to hear people picking on little kids, I guess because I have a little boy, and it just sucks these kids are bringing it on themselves.
I can't believe the mouths on some of the kids on XBL....I had an eight or nine year old call me the "N" word on COD4 the one day. I replied,"I'll come to your house and kick you in the ass so hard your nose will bleed." He left shortly after that.....
Re: What grinds my gears
08/25/08 3:50 pm | #51
Quote by mellowdaddee:
I can't believe the mouths on some of the kids on XBL....I had an eight or nine year old call me the "N" word on COD4 the one day. I replied,"I'll come to your house and kick you in the ass so hard your nose will bleed." He left shortly after that.....
nice... well I'm 13 and have a fairly deep voice so I don't that much shit talked to me but I do curse on XBL but never insulting anyone
Re: What grinds my gears
08/25/08 5:43 pm | #53
well, im 13. but i dont think my voice is TOO highpitched..atleast i hope its not. idk, id have to ask evol, tk, or repo...maybe cap'n, idk. those are the main people (besides gandhi my friend and mdub) who've heard my voice
Re: What grinds my gears
08/25/08 5:48 pm | #55
lol i annoy everyone else w/ my constant halo 3 lols...oh thats so hilarious..people irl and online question me and my use of the word "lol"

Re: What grinds my gears
08/25/08 7:40 pm | #56
The only part I agree with is folks throwing around the word nigger, that is fucking stupid. Well, and I guess people do need to position the mic so they aren't breathing in to it. Tell them so, and if they refuse then.. join a different game I guess?
Anyway, the rest of this is you being angry and anal. Haha I keed I keed.
Anyway, the rest of this is you being angry and anal. Haha I keed I keed.
Re: What grinds my gears
08/25/08 7:46 pm | #57
i think they need to come out with a new mike like 2.0 that gives everyone a truer sound of your voice cus im 15 and i still get people thinking im 10
Re: What grinds my gears
08/25/08 7:48 pm | #58
Quote by Tha MasterCheif:
i think they need to come out with a new mike like 2.0 that gives everyone a truer sound of your voice cus im 15 and i still get people thinking im 10
but you do sound 10
Re: What grinds my gears
08/25/08 7:54 pm | #59
I agree that kids who have high pitched voices and are cursing and screaming/singing/being annoying should be yelled at, but I never do any of those things, and I still get shit from people. The gay thing is that my voice isnt even that high. It's probably around Taco's pitch or maybe a little deeper.
Re: What grinds my gears
08/25/08 9:03 pm | #60
Quote by BlakZombieTaco:
well, im 13. but i dont think my voice is TOO highpitched..atleast i hope its not. idk, id have to ask evol, tk, or repo...maybe cap'n, idk. those are the main people (besides gandhi my friend and mdub) who've heard my voice
Your's isn't that bad. Its only annoying when you won't shut up singing whatever random song you've recently discorvered.