Archived: What grinds my gears
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Re: What grinds my gears
08/22/08 11:53 pm | #2
6)people who leave bad feedback on live just because you kicked their ass
Re: What grinds my gears
08/23/08 12:11 am | #3
7) Listening to everyone argue, scream out racial slurs, not finish a sentence without "fuck" in it, and really high pitched voices. All of these combined with what was said by Captain caused me to block voice from everyone not on my friends list.
Re: What grinds my gears
08/23/08 12:12 am | #4
I call #1 porno mic (heavy breathing)
7) the guy thats shows you his He Man underwear in a vision Cam game (thanks Juggs)
7) the guy thats shows you his He Man underwear in a vision Cam game (thanks Juggs)
Re: What grinds my gears
08/23/08 12:50 am | #5
8) Internet Gangsters
Re: What grinds my gears
08/23/08 1:09 am | #6
That no ones come up with a good Priest and the Rabbi joke in like 30 years.
Oh, wait were talking about XBL? Sorry....
Oh, wait were talking about XBL? Sorry....

Re: What grinds my gears
08/23/08 8:54 am | #7
9) Little kids who think they are hard ass gangsters, but sound like they are 12 and curse so much but if mommy or daddy was right there theyd have a hand across their face.
Re: What grinds my gears
08/23/08 9:39 am | #8
10) People who talk hard shit over the mic and think there god at the game but wont go 1v1 with you
Re: What grinds my gears
08/23/08 10:34 am | #9
11) those stupid little kids who think theyre better then you, trash talk you in the game, betray you for weapons, have the highest pitched voice ever, and are just generally annoying. and then they have the NERVE to call you 9. ive had atleast 30 kids do that to me. i told one kid that to grow a pair to drop and find an insult that doesnt involve cussing because high pitched cussing is freakishly annoying...when theyre voice isnt as high, they have atleast something decent to say, then they can try and insult me
12) those guys who are OLDER who think they are better then you because your younger. bah those guys are soo annoying too
12) those guys who are OLDER who think they are better then you because your younger. bah those guys are soo annoying too
Re: What grinds my gears
08/23/08 10:52 am | #10
All of these reasons are the reasons that I do not play on live with people that are not on my Friend's Lists.
I have to go along with the "internet gangsters" that pretty much sums up the last few post about people trying to be hard. That and people getting pissed off just because you owned them in a match. I remember when I played R6V, the first one, it took me a while to get decent on it but I was picking people off 1 by 1 without getting killed and everyone was claiming that I was glitching it somehow.....
13.) Sore Losers
, and on another topic real quick...I hosted a radio morning show around my area and we ran a segment called "Grinds My Gears " and we had the sound clip of Peter from family guy saying it, and we would discuss things that irk us and have people call and tell us stuff too
Good Thread Captain!
I have to go along with the "internet gangsters" that pretty much sums up the last few post about people trying to be hard. That and people getting pissed off just because you owned them in a match. I remember when I played R6V, the first one, it took me a while to get decent on it but I was picking people off 1 by 1 without getting killed and everyone was claiming that I was glitching it somehow.....
13.) Sore Losers
, and on another topic real quick...I hosted a radio morning show around my area and we ran a segment called "Grinds My Gears " and we had the sound clip of Peter from family guy saying it, and we would discuss things that irk us and have people call and tell us stuff too
Good Thread Captain!
Re: What grinds my gears
08/23/08 11:40 am | #11
I dont know if this is mentioned i didn't read all of them...
14) The minute you open your mouth in a lobby ( ex. Halo 3 ) people start talking shit no matter how low/high your voice...
Ex. I'll just be sitting in the lobby and I'll say something and than some fag is like " shut the fuck up ill kick your ass "
14) The minute you open your mouth in a lobby ( ex. Halo 3 ) people start talking shit no matter how low/high your voice...
Ex. I'll just be sitting in the lobby and I'll say something and than some fag is like " shut the fuck up ill kick your ass "
Re: What grinds my gears
08/23/08 11:45 am | #12
15) People who glitch out of the map during ranked games when you are going for 10,000 kills.
Re: What grinds my gears
08/23/08 11:47 am | #13
Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:
15) People who glitch out of the map during ranked games when you are going for 10,000 kills.
somebody has gow problems lol
16)game companies who think theyre so beast they make the worst games and achievements ever and the only people who like them are the people who like what the horrible game is abvout *cougheacough*
Re: What grinds my gears
08/23/08 11:54 am | #14
Quote by BlakZombieTaco:
somebody has gow problems lol
16)game companies who think theyre so beast they make the worst games and achievements ever and the only people who like them are the people who like what the horrible game is abvout *cougheacough*
16)game companies who think theyre so beast they make the worst games and achievements ever and the only people who like them are the people who like what the horrible game is abvout *cougheacough*
Damn straight I have gears issues lol I come back after like 8 months of not playing gears and the first match I have I ran around looking for the last guy only to find out he got out of the map on mansion.
Re: What grinds my gears
08/23/08 12:31 pm | #15
Quote by BlakZombieTaco:
16)game companies who think theyre so beast they make the worst games and achievements ever and the only people who like them are the people who like what the horrible game is abvout *cougheacough*
are you talking about shadowrun? haha
and oneshot....thats the exact reason I dont play halo 3 online with people thats not on my buddies list