Don't ask me any specifics, as I am posting, word for word, the entire newspaper article that I clipped from the Tiffin, Ohio daily paper. lol
Without further ado... I present my choice for WTF story of 2008!
Wichita, Kansas (Associated Press)-Authorities are considering charges
in the bizarre case of a woman who sat on her boyfriend's toilet for two
years- so long that her body was stuck to the seat by the time her boy-
friend finally called the police.
Ness County Sheriff Bryan Whipple said it appeared that the 35-year-old
Ness City woman's skin had grown around the seat. She initially refused
emergency medical services, but was finally convinced by responders and
her boyfriend that she needed to be checked out at a hospital.
"We pried the toilet seat off with a pry bar and the seat went with her
to the hospital," Whipple said. "The hospital removed it."
Ladies and gentlemen... W...T...F...?!?!