Check out images of the book covers (with my crappy camera phone) in the NEWS article.
Archived: Tom Clancy's EndWar in the house....sorta
Posted Under: Xbox News
Tom Clancy's EndWar in the house....sorta
02/07/08 2:46 pm | #1
Was trolling around the books at Giant Eagle today and noticed that Tom Clancy's EndWar was out in paperback. Considering the success of the Splinter Cell books, and being a massive Clancy book fan anyways, I went ahead and purchased it. The book is around 400 pages long, and is written by the Splinter Cell author David Michaels. I plan to dive into this over the weekend while I am freezing my arse off in Chi-Town. I'm hoping the book will shed some light on the basics of the EndWar game. One humorous note (albeit a probable foreshadowing moment), on the back of the book it states "Based on Ubisoft's bestselling game, Tom Clancy's EndWar".
Check out images of the book covers (with my crappy camera phone) in the NEWS article.
Check out images of the book covers (with my crappy camera phone) in the NEWS article.
Re: Tom Clancy's EndWar in the house....sorta
02/07/08 3:56 pm | #2
They can see the future!
Re: Tom Clancy's EndWar in the house....sorta
02/07/08 3:58 pm | #3
Ya they can, and I have to say I do not think I was ever this excited for a game I mean if they pull this off it will be really really awesome!
Re: Tom Clancy's EndWar in the house....sorta
02/08/08 9:07 am | #4
Quote by zoboa:
Was trolling around the books at Giant Eagle today and noticed that Tom Clancy's EndWar was out in paperback. Considering the success of the Splinter Cell books, and being a massive Clancy book fan anyways, I went ahead and purchased it. The book is around 400 pages long, and is written by the Splinter Cell author David Michaels. I plan to dive into this over the weekend while I am freezing my arse off in Chi-Town. I'm hoping the book will shed some light on the basics of the EndWar game. One humorous note (albeit a probable foreshadowing moment), on the back of the book it states "Based on Ubisoft's bestselling game, Tom Clancy's EndWar".
Check out images of the book covers (with my crappy camera phone) in the NEWS article.
Check out images of the book covers (with my crappy camera phone) in the NEWS article.
So how do you like it so far, or perhaps you finished it already? I read the book in one day staying up til about 2:30am. Got to tell you I really think Endwar the game will rock. Don't know if you're over in the community forums for Endwar , but we'd be glad to see you there. You can see my posts as atacms. I won't be able to reply cause right now I've been having problems logging in, but it's a great community. Check us out.

Re: Tom Clancy's EndWar in the house....sorta
02/08/08 11:45 am | #5
I've never read a book that's became a videogame unless you count harry potter of course
Re: Tom Clancy's EndWar in the house....sorta
02/08/08 5:46 pm | #6
Quote by atacms2020:
So how do you like it so far, or perhaps you finished it already? I read the book in one day staying up til about 2:30am. Got to tell you I really think Endwar the game will rock. Don't know if you're over in the community forums for Endwar , but we'd be glad to see you there. You can see my posts as atacms. I won't be able to reply cause right now I've been having problems logging in, but it's a great community. Check us out. 

I have gotten through about a quarter of the book and it is well written. very much in the model of how the Splinter Cell books progress. It has kept me engaged and wanting to turn the page...
Re: Tom Clancy's EndWar in the house....sorta
02/08/08 11:44 pm | #7
Here are some cool pics from the game:

This won't be your typical RTS, that's the ground 3rd person view you'll have similar to GRAW's and you'll command your units easily via voice commands.

This won't be your typical RTS, that's the ground 3rd person view you'll have similar to GRAW's and you'll command your units easily via voice commands.
Re: Tom Clancy's EndWar in the house....sorta
02/09/08 12:08 am | #8
Quote by zoboa:
I have gotten through about a quarter of the book and it is well written. very much in the model of how the Splinter Cell books progress. It has kept me engaged and wanting to turn the page...
How do you like the hi-tech weapons? For me his accuracy was going to be a critical issue which is why I posted those questions to the author here:
Re: Tom Clancy's EndWar in the house....sorta
02/09/08 4:31 am | #9
all my splinter cell books said they were by tom clancy....i guess they coauthored? ill have to get that book.
Re: Tom Clancy's EndWar in the house....sorta
02/09/08 4:31 am | #10
oh and by the way...i love the brutus gamer pic. Go Bucks!
Re: Tom Clancy's EndWar in the house....sorta
02/22/08 2:50 pm | #11
I finally picked up the book yesterday because I am so excited about this game and can not wait for it to come out. I am about a quarter through the book and like Z said earlier it keeps you engaged and wanting to turn the page! It is definitely a Very fun read!
Re: Tom Clancy's EndWar in the house....sorta
02/22/08 3:14 pm | #12
Quote by keisal:
all my splinter cell books said they were by tom clancy....i guess they coauthored? ill have to get that book.
Most everything Fiction with Clancy's name on it were written by someone else. He wrote the RyanVerse novels (Based on Jack Ryan or Jack Ryan's son), SSN and co-wrote Red Storm Rising. He also wrote about a dozen Non-Fiction titles.
All the other series including Op-Center, NetForce, Power Plays, Splinter Cell and now EndWar were conceived/branded as Tom Clancy books, but written by others.
Re: Tom Clancy's EndWar in the house....sorta
02/23/08 3:35 am | #13
Quote by alzapa:
I finally picked up the book yesterday because I am so excited about this game and can not wait for it to come out. I am about a quarter through the book and like Z said earlier it keeps you engaged and wanting to turn the page! It is definitely a Very fun read!
So A1zapa, are you logged/registered in the Endwar forums? I don't think I've seen you around unless you go by a different name.
Re: Tom Clancy's EndWar in the house....sorta
02/23/08 10:15 am | #14
Quote by atacms2020:
So A1zapa, are you logged/registered in the Endwar forums? I don't think I've seen you around unless you go by a different name.
I am registered in those forums, but I never post I just read the posts. I check them every day or so.
EDIT: here is 5 ingame screens taken from the endwar forums. What do you guys think? I think the HUD looks a little lame. but the game looks ROCKEN!

Re: Tom Clancy's EndWar in the house....sorta
02/23/08 12:32 pm | #15
wow ima fan of a lot of games, but i dont think i would actually buy a book on it.
like halo 3 for example
like halo 3 for example