Archived: This dude has no life.
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Re: This dude has no life.
09/01/08 10:58 pm | #2
Quote by Lou83:
You either have no life or just way too much time on your hands. It's still pretty cool though.
Re: This dude has no life.
09/01/08 11:03 pm | #3
That is the coolest thing I have ever seen.
Re: This dude has no life.
09/01/08 11:07 pm | #5
That's insane. Imagine trying to live there while you were making that.
Re: This dude has no life.
09/01/08 11:17 pm | #6
Holy shit (for lack of a better term).
Re: This dude has no life.
09/01/08 11:51 pm | #8
Re: This dude has no life.
09/02/08 12:00 am | #9
That was dumb as hell, what a waste of time!!!
Re: This dude has no life.
09/02/08 12:25 am | #10
holy crap dude, great stuff. a waste of time but whatever makes you happy i guess
Re: This dude has no life.
09/02/08 12:47 am | #11
that was pretty cool...when a giant add covered the video and froze the link but the 3rd try was a charm. Nice find
Re: This dude has no life.
09/02/08 5:31 am | #12
Quote by PSORaine:
All I can say is... fucking Germans... they don't have and decent internet connections, they don't have decent music, they don't have decent STORES... but they have THIS GUY.
omg i so died laughing at
ill edit later when i have more time to watch the vid
Re: This dude has no life.
09/02/08 5:54 am | #13
Quote by WitnessBoobie:
That's insane. Imagine trying to live there while you were making that.
Yo, that's what I was thinking. It was a little anticlimatic at the end, but still, a work of genius.
I forget what those type of exhibits are technically called ... it's named after that artist who used to do those cartoon stetches ... but Purdue Univ. holds a competition every year to see who can create the best one.
Re: This dude has no life.
09/02/08 6:49 am | #14
i can do that.