Archived: The last poster wins
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Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 9:51 pm | #31
this one seems active for now. who knos how long it will last
Re: Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 9:52 pm | #32
Quote by Blackmagic16:
I dont care. I keep finding myself seeing no active threads to view but plenty of people on. I'd be great it theres always an active thread going on
you could always spit ur werd into my books n' movies thread, if you've seen anything awesome lately! er.... since my wife has taken over, i guess it's the books n' movies... n' TV shows thread lol.
you don't have to. that's okay. everything's okay here. hug...?
and golden.... you know, man. you know ALLLL about that T N' A!

Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 9:52 pm | #33
Large prize to pay for a Discusstion Sparker Medal
Re: Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 9:53 pm | #34
Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:
WWE has gone down hill The only show i watch is Raw and I hardly do that anymore. HHH and John Cena are pretty much the whole show. Randy Orton should have been canned a long time ago for his marijuana abuse but vince refuses to fire him due to the money he brings in. Batista is good to but he is way too injury prone, just like Mr. Kennedy who just got released due to the fact he just got back from shoulder surgery and the same night he comes back he injured his wrist. Jeff Hardy is my current favorite wrestler but stone cold will always be my fav. half of wwe's talent has jumped ship to TNA Including Mick Foley, Kurt Angle, Booker T, Rhino, Victoria, Scott Steiner, The dudleys, Abdul bashir, Christy Hemme, Steven Richards and so many others and i guess in september Tazz will be making his TNA debut too. Oh and i read somewhere that Tazz left due to the disgrace that is known as ECW because vince has turned that into a clown show.
very ture. except i dont like jeff anymore. his style has gone less high flyin. also he just need to stop doing promos. noone on smackdown can cut a promo anymore
Re: Re: Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 9:55 pm | #35
Quote by Noah 9000:
Quote by Blackmagic16:
I dont care. I keep finding myself seeing no active threads to view but plenty of people on. I'd be great it theres always an active thread going on
you could always spit ur werd into my books n' movies thread, if you've seen anything awesome lately! er.... since my wife has taken over, i guess it's the books n' movies... n' TV shows thread lol.
you don't have to. that's okay. everything's okay here. hug...?
and golden.... you know, man. you know ALLLL about that T N' A!

this tna?/ And yeah, I took that.
Re: Re: Re: Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 9:57 pm | #36
Quote by Mike93:
Quote by Noah 9000:
you could always spit ur werd into my books n' movies thread, if you've seen anything awesome lately! er.... since my wife has taken over, i guess it's the books n' movies... n' TV shows thread lol.
you don't have to. that's okay. everything's okay here. hug...?
and golden.... you know, man. you know ALLLL about that T N' A!

this tna?/ And yeah, I took that.
mike i love you for this picture lol

Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 9:57 pm | #37
I always felt TNA had this raw, and gritty underground feel to it.
Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 9:58 pm | #38
ill take some of that TNA!!! how much were ur tna tix if i may ask? just wonderin bc im gettin ppv tix for great american bash and i always go when it is in philly. might go to tna if they even come here
Re: Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 9:58 pm | #39
Quote by Detroit SniperX:
I always felt TNA had this raw, and gritty underground feel to it.
........... okay i won't do it lololololololol
and yes mike... that's about IT!!!!
more T and trot though! i need me some trot!

Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 9:59 pm | #40
We had fifth row seats for 30 bucks. Plus, it didn't even sell out and they were selling them for walk up for $20.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 10:01 pm | #41
Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:
i take my love back after looking at your man boobs picture

Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 10:01 pm | #42
do they actually tour tho?
Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 10:02 pm | #43
ahhh god is good!!! I just got my first shipment of gamefly today, and i think its way better than blockbuster already
Re: Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 10:03 pm | #44
Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:
Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:
mike i love you for this picture lol

i take my love back after looking at your man boobs picture

Awww fuck, I wanted Spider love

Quote by orange20:
do they actually tour tho?
Yep, I went to that event last summer. Actually, roughly a year ago exactly. It was awesome, they had some local Cincinnati wrestlers participate, plus with Abyss and Sharkboy being from the area, they had some huge pop.
Re: Re: Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 10:06 pm | #45
Quote by Mike93:
Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:
i take my love back after looking at your man boobs picture

Awww fuck, I wanted Spider love

Quote by orange20:
do they actually tour tho?
Yep, I went to that event last summer. Actually, roughly a year ago exactly. It was awesome, they had some local Cincinnati wrestlers participate, plus with Abyss and Sharkboy being from the area, they had some huge pop.
Sharkboy FTW I saw him at a Raw show in milwaukee about 6 years ago before he was in TNA he wrestled a dark match against some local guy and kicked his ass. I have been a sharkboy fan ever since.