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Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 9:36 pm | #16
The last person wins... 2 weeks from now. so were posting now ummm... I dont get it
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Welcome to XBAwards?
Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 9:36 pm | #17
atleast ECW gave Tommy Dreamer the belt before he retires. hes the heart and soul of ECW. been there since the begining. wwe really started to die when it started appealing to kids. no more blood. bearly any hardcore matches. they even changed cenas finished from the FU to the Aditude Adjustment
Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 9:38 pm | #18
good i can still get in on the action!!! yesssssssssshhh
Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 9:38 pm | #19
Really? I was wondering what the hell they were calling attitude adjustment when I turned it on a few weeks ago.
Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 9:41 pm | #21
This is a good way for you to get that discussion sparker award, lol.
Re: Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 9:41 pm | #22
Quote by Mike93:
Really? I was wondering what the hell they were calling attitude adjustment when I turned it on a few weeks ago.
yup it is not the FU nemore. and they changed his submission to STF instead of STFU. all for the kiddos. i personally think it is lame
Re: Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 9:43 pm | #24
Quote by orange20:
see i just cant seem to get into TNA.
personally... i LOVE t n' a! but that's just me.
Re: Re: Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 9:44 pm | #25
Quote by Golden138:
Quote by Blackmagic16:
The last person wins... 2 weeks from now. so were posting now ummm... I dont get it
Welcome to XBAwards?
Welcome to XBAwards?
Posting will continue up to 2 weeks. Why not start posting now?

this is a random post so maybe ppl just like socializing and having convos? if everyone waits till maybe "2 weeks" from now it will get very hectic all at once. this way noone knos when it will end.
Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 9:45 pm | #27
so any of you watching wwe now that was exactly what i was talking about before. lame!
Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 9:48 pm | #28
I dont care. I keep finding myself seeing no active threads to view but plenty of people on. I'd be great it theres always an active thread going on
Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 9:50 pm | #29
WWE has gone down hill The only show i watch is Raw and I hardly do that anymore. HHH and John Cena are pretty much the whole show. Randy Orton should have been canned a long time ago for his marijuana abuse but vince refuses to fire him due to the money he brings in. Batista is good to but he is way too injury prone, just like Mr. Kennedy who just got released due to the fact he just got back from shoulder surgery and the same night he comes back he injured his wrist. Jeff Hardy is my current favorite wrestler but stone cold will always be my fav. half of wwe's talent has jumped ship to TNA Including Mick Foley, Kurt Angle, Booker T, Rhino, Victoria, Scott Steiner, The dudleys, Abdul bashir, Christy Hemme, Steven Richards and so many others and i guess in september Tazz will be making his TNA debut too. Oh and i read somewhere that Tazz left due to the disgrace that is known as ECW because vince has turned that into a clown show.
Re: Re: Re: Re: The last poster wins
06/29/09 9:50 pm | #30
Quote by Golden138:
Quote by Noah 9000:
personally... i LOVE t n' a! but that's just me.
Exactly which T n A are you talking about

Its after 6pm eastern, he's drunk.