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Closed: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
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Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 3:25 am | #331
Quote by BlakZombieTaco:
no shush c0ld, let him think he had 11k
now, when did this start?
it doesnt matter what i had...i had a lead on him either way.
look at the beginning of the post...the date is right on it
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 3:26 am | #332
sorry that i have met an amazing girl and i work like 70 hours a week
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 3:26 am | #333
well since you pushed it back a page, ill re-state what i said..because im too lazy to go back to page 1
im guessing this start, less than a month ago? 2, 3 weeks?
you gained rouchly 10K in 3 weeks...im sorry to say kidd, THAT is no life..or, a very small one..
c0ld>you at life..
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 3:28 am | #334
06/09/08 thats the start date
06/25/08 or 24th idunno so bout 19 days
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 3:29 am | #335
yea, so almost 10K in about 3 weeks...
anyays, im off, its like really late here (3:30am) so..
bai everybody

dont die w/o me
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 3:33 am | #336
yeah good for you with working 70 hours a week...I work less the 40 hours and would put my money down that i make more money than you do in that 70 hour week.
To shut you guys up let me explain this....I have plenty of time on my hands because I work at home, I run a company thats goes around teaching cpr/first aid to the general public. I teach roughly anywhere from 2 to 4 classes a week at about 1k a class. The classes take about 5 hours to teach.
I don't really understand why either one of you are trying to make this such a big deal when it was just a cool competition that YOU c0ld had the bright idea to start. I dont care what you think you won or what you have in your little life that is coldh3arted, btw...such a clever clever way to spell your name...good job
Grow Up Dude...it was just a cool competition, now your trying to be a dick about the whole thing
good job *thumbs up*
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 3:38 am | #337
im just goofing on the life thang your beening anal i work my ass of at my job to bring home 1400 a week and congrats at your super awsome job glad u have a easy life
i dont care that i lost get over it
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 3:44 am | #338
yeah im glad I have an easy life too...all my hard work has paid off as well as your 70 hour week.
I wasn't really trying to be anal about it...You were the one that started being a dick about it.
Let's just let bygones be bygones and end this thread and allow the threadjackers to come in and do there dirty work, lol
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 3:49 am | #339
Gotta give it to you though cold...did a good job making the thread...over 3000 views and 23 pages...lol...good stuff
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 3:53 am | #340
thanks man and i work with a bunch of old school guys so we end up packing 140 hours of work in half the time on a treadmill set it to 5 miles/per hour and thats our walk speed and cartel good run though man
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 10:19 am | #341
Speaking of thread jacking, me and Kidd's sig card are going to be in the other room.
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 11:54 am | #342
Thank you rev, I didnt know wth cold was talking about on that last post...lol
have her back by dinner alright man?
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 12:51 pm | #344
ive got...sort of a life...but its summer, and anybody i might know lives like 2 counties over lol and nobody in my neighborhood has anything in common with me...
otherwise i could pretty much have a life all year round
during the summer, my life is pretty much...plain..unless we go on a vacation somewhere...but so far, i only had one at the beginning :\
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 2:23 pm | #345
it's okay...you should hitchike...i heard thats fun, go travel cross country
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