Closed: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
Posted Under: 360 Talk
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Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 6:22 pm | #346
wow everyone takes a little dickery to the heart stop being so anal guys
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 7:00 pm | #347
Kidd is right....C0ld is garbage....Both your gamerscores are small and something to point and laugh *pays roalities to kidd* just kidding you big stinky douches!!!!
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 7:01 pm | #348
hey guys this is the #1 thread in the 360 talk Section most viewed, most disscusied and most pages
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 7:03 pm | #349
lol..dude that's what i was saying last night when i said good job at making this least i thought i said all well
although the word association has the most posts...but i believe this thread is mos def in the top 3
although the word association has the most posts...but i believe this thread is mos def in the top 3

Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 7:04 pm | #350
Quote by PhatCodyLee:
Kidd is right....C0ld is garbage....Both your gamerscores are small and something to point and laugh *pays roalities to kidd* just kidding you big stinky douches!!!!
yay for big stinky douchebags!
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 7:04 pm | #351
We all love a good gamerscore challenge here at XBA!! It definately shows!!
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 7:04 pm | #352
what is the point of this thread
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 7:05 pm | #353
I'll race ya to 40k kidd!!!
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 7:07 pm | #354
Quote by Tha MasterCheif:
what is the point of this thread
I think its quite self-explanatory..der der der
Quote by PhatCodyLee:
I'll race ya to 40k kidd!!!
Yeah alright lets do it...LOL!
i'll already proclaim you the leader
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 7:07 pm | #355
Quote by Tha MasterCheif:
what is the point of this thread
It started as a thread for the challenge between Kidd and Heartl3ss to get to 20k gamerscore. That was 300 posts ago! lol
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 7:08 pm | #356
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 7:14 pm | #357
Maybe we should start up the tourny again to see who the best
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 7:33 pm | #358
a tourney between me and c0ld?...or two other people?
Re: The Kid Vs. The Heartless
06/27/08 7:35 pm | #359
i think a completions tourny would be best like we all pick a game and see who can complete it first arcarde games would be best lol i suggest dig dug since that damn dig achievement is isanely diffucult as u only get 3 lives