so yea, anyway, Iron Man blu ray is kick ass!
Archived: I am being..
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: I am being..
04/08/09 10:36 pm | #16
damn, and i was thinking about something to complain about too, oh well.
so yea, anyway, Iron Man blu ray is kick ass!
so yea, anyway, Iron Man blu ray is kick ass!
Re: I am being..
04/08/09 10:37 pm | #17
hey kidd, invest in a R4 for your DS, it will save you a lot of money instead of buying games for it, its like 20$ shipped with a 4gb card.
Re: I am being..
04/08/09 10:38 pm | #18
whats the R4?
Re: I am being..
04/08/09 10:40 pm | #19
As far as games.....The one I play the most,believe it or not is pain.Its DLC,and I think like $5.00.Retail,well,you seem to have done your homework.
As for my thought about Heavenly Sword,It just wasnt my cup of tea.If you've already played it,and liked it,then like I said before,you've done your homework.
I'm not a PS3 hater,I like mine a lot.I just play games on my 360 more,that's all.
As for my thought about Heavenly Sword,It just wasnt my cup of tea.If you've already played it,and liked it,then like I said before,you've done your homework.
I'm not a PS3 hater,I like mine a lot.I just play games on my 360 more,that's all.
Re: I am being..
04/08/09 10:45 pm | #20
Yeah, the buddy of mine that has the PS3 has got the game Pain for it as well, I can spend countless hours playing that game, not doing a damn thing, lol.
I will not lie, I do plan on playing my 360 a lot more then I will the PS3, but like I said, there are quite a few games that are coming out in the future for the PS3, and right now when I have the money I want to go ahead and knock out buying the console.
I do my homework, when it comes to forking out $200+ on something, I do my homework first, lol...I'm kind of anal about that
I will not lie, I do plan on playing my 360 a lot more then I will the PS3, but like I said, there are quite a few games that are coming out in the future for the PS3, and right now when I have the money I want to go ahead and knock out buying the console.
I do my homework, when it comes to forking out $200+ on something, I do my homework first, lol...I'm kind of anal about that
Re: I am being..
04/08/09 10:55 pm | #21
I wish I would have waited untill now to buy mine.I was the sucker who bought mine at launch.And I'll buy the next 3 and beyond versions of Play Station,X-Box that come out at launch.Its an addiction,I have to have the new toys as soon as they come out.
Re: Re: I am being..
04/08/09 11:17 pm | #22
Quote by kiddcartel:
Listen up, I'm not going to have my thread become fussing and fighting. People have their different opinions on the consoles, and the games, that's what they are, opinions...I only asked for good games to pick up, nothing else. I'm not trying to become a dick, but I'm trying to nip this in the bud and all this fighting and fussing and bickering and arguing on this site lately is getting on my damn nerves. Chill out, or GTFO.
I plan on getting Heavenly Sword, I played it at a friends house a while back and been wanting to get it...Like I said I plan on getting LittleBigPlanet and Heavenly Sword to start off with.
And Zu, I have to agree with you, I seen many things about Killzone 2 and I plan on getting that as well, also do plan on getting the Resistance 1 & 2 games and the Drakes Fortune games as well.
I plan on getting Heavenly Sword, I played it at a friends house a while back and been wanting to get it...Like I said I plan on getting LittleBigPlanet and Heavenly Sword to start off with.
And Zu, I have to agree with you, I seen many things about Killzone 2 and I plan on getting that as well, also do plan on getting the Resistance 1 & 2 games and the Drakes Fortune games as well.
Well, there goes my fun

Re: I am being..
04/08/09 11:56 pm | #23
no i mean people can express their opinions...but i just dont want arguements over something that doesn't know?
Re: I am being..
04/09/09 12:28 am | #24
R4-III SDHC Upgrade Revolution for DS.
This is Brand new Upgrade R4-III Cartridge with gilded phosphor bronze interface. Compare with other flash cards, it has solved the problem of hard connecting; with lower power consumption, support SDHC; multi-language and Perfect compatibility makes R4-III stand out. Simple to use, this is a must have peripheral for any regular DS/DS lite owner.
-2nd generation storage device (no booting tool required)
-Flush fitting slot 1 card
-Uses MicroSD or MicroSDHC up to 32GB card, FAT16 or 32
-Supports any MicroSD and SDHC card speed with no lag in game
-Supports Clean ROM, drag and drop. Works on any OS
-Built in NoPass
-Automatically detect save type
-Save directly to MicroSD card, not to onboard chip
-Supports Moonshell and other homebrew, Open I/O interface
-User friendly skinnable interface, Touchscreen or button operation
-Supports rumble pak and memory pak
-Supports the WiFi game, DS Rumble Pak, DS Browser
-Supports changes of the background of Operation Interface
-Support Skin DIY by setting background and font colors on Main Menu and Game Menu manually and automatically
-Supports 4-scale-lightness adjustment(DS Lite only)
-Supports the Soft Reset
-Supports Action Replay cheat
-moonshell 1.6 support Software Reset function(Press START key back to the R4-III menu)
-DLDI auto-patching
-Full download play support
1 X R4-III Upgrade Card
1 X USB 2.0 Thumb size Micro-SD card reader
1 X Blue color case for the adapter
This is Brand new Upgrade R4-III Cartridge with gilded phosphor bronze interface. Compare with other flash cards, it has solved the problem of hard connecting; with lower power consumption, support SDHC; multi-language and Perfect compatibility makes R4-III stand out. Simple to use, this is a must have peripheral for any regular DS/DS lite owner.
-2nd generation storage device (no booting tool required)
-Flush fitting slot 1 card
-Uses MicroSD or MicroSDHC up to 32GB card, FAT16 or 32
-Supports any MicroSD and SDHC card speed with no lag in game
-Supports Clean ROM, drag and drop. Works on any OS
-Built in NoPass
-Automatically detect save type
-Save directly to MicroSD card, not to onboard chip
-Supports Moonshell and other homebrew, Open I/O interface
-User friendly skinnable interface, Touchscreen or button operation
-Supports rumble pak and memory pak
-Supports the WiFi game, DS Rumble Pak, DS Browser
-Supports changes of the background of Operation Interface
-Support Skin DIY by setting background and font colors on Main Menu and Game Menu manually and automatically
-Supports 4-scale-lightness adjustment(DS Lite only)
-Supports the Soft Reset
-Supports Action Replay cheat
-moonshell 1.6 support Software Reset function(Press START key back to the R4-III menu)
-DLDI auto-patching
-Full download play support
1 X R4-III Upgrade Card
1 X USB 2.0 Thumb size Micro-SD card reader
1 X Blue color case for the adapter
Re: I am being..
04/09/09 12:29 am | #25
The only thing im unsure of, is that if it will work on a dsi or not, I am not sure.
Re: I am being..
04/09/09 1:10 am | #27
don't have a PS3 kidd, but i certainly won't bash you for getting one lol.
i must add, however, that the PS3 has it's own achievements. "trophies" as they call it.
a dude i work with (who isn't very reliable, but i could believe this) says that downloading content on the PS3 is a bitch. just a few hours ago he was telling me that he finally got fallout 3 and had like 3 or 4 updates for it, and it took a long, long time. as a matter of fact, every time we talk about games he ends up bitching about the PS3 in one way or another, and yet he acts so proud that the online is free.
don't mean to bash the thread bro. just a heads up.
i must add, however, that the PS3 has it's own achievements. "trophies" as they call it.
a dude i work with (who isn't very reliable, but i could believe this) says that downloading content on the PS3 is a bitch. just a few hours ago he was telling me that he finally got fallout 3 and had like 3 or 4 updates for it, and it took a long, long time. as a matter of fact, every time we talk about games he ends up bitching about the PS3 in one way or another, and yet he acts so proud that the online is free.
don't mean to bash the thread bro. just a heads up.
Re: I am being..
04/10/09 12:36 am | #28
Heavenly Sword is a good start and it also plays blu rays

Re: I am being..
04/10/09 8:23 pm | #30
Well I picked it up, it is now sitting on my tv stand next to the 52 inch in all it's 80 gig glory. I picked up Folklore, Resistance 1, and I picked up LittleBigPlanet. I for some reason didn't really care for the first Resistance, IDK what it was about it but nothing pulled me into the gameplay. Folklore might be a good game, but it was too slow for me for the beginning (i'll pick it up again sometime) So I took back Folklore and Resistance and picked up Haze and Uncharted: Drakes Fortune. I wanted to pick up Heavenly Sword but the only copy they had was new, and I wanted to get all Used games right now until I find something that really sticks with me and I'll play the crap out I guess I am forced to wait for a used copy, lol
So far I am really enjoying Uncharted and LittleBigPlanet, haven't had a good chance to play Haze just yet, but it is coming.
So far I am really enjoying Uncharted and LittleBigPlanet, haven't had a good chance to play Haze just yet, but it is coming.