Archived: Small World
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Re: Small World
06/21/08 1:44 am | #77
Quote by PSORaine:
I'm not a threadjacker...
I'm a thread enhancer.
I'm a thread enhancer.
...yeah, tomatoe tomahtoe
Quote by ReverendMeta:
STFU Bionicle Heroes is hard
Quote by PhatCodyLee:
but also rich and compelling
its still a gay ash game, LoL
Re: Small World
06/21/08 1:52 am | #79
pokemon ftw! i love the original theme song (im listening to it atm)
the original pokemon theme and pinky and the brain are the best theme songs ever
btw, go on youtube and search for Pinky y Cerebro. pinky and the brain, IN SPANISH!!!! 2nd to last song, i haz pokemon!!
the original pokemon theme and pinky and the brain are the best theme songs ever
btw, go on youtube and search for Pinky y Cerebro. pinky and the brain, IN SPANISH!!!! 2nd to last song, i haz pokemon!!
Re: Small World
06/21/08 1:57 am | #81
the fellz yes i am..
Re: Small World
06/21/08 2:16 am | #83
its like helz, but its like what you and kid do with other cuss words, like fork and stuff..tho fellz wasnt that good, idk why that came to my head
tbh, i dont really cuss. if im at school and im really mad i might, but otherwise no. unless its like ya know, the infamous "burn in hell"
i dont get people who say its "cold as hell"...hell isnt cold..last time i checked, there was fire..and it hurts >_<
tbh, i dont really cuss. if im at school and im really mad i might, but otherwise no. unless its like ya know, the infamous "burn in hell"
i dont get people who say its "cold as hell"...hell isnt cold..last time i checked, there was fire..and it hurts >_<
Re: Small World
06/21/08 2:26 am | #84
yeah, i am trying real hard to stop cussing me
you should see me at the construction sites that i do safety consultant work for...i'll go around saying ash, and fork, and bagel to keep myself from cussing and everyone is looking at me like im crazy, lol...its wonderful
im going to use fellz taco, thank
@RAINE...i lol'ed at your story about your son....thats priceless
you should see me at the construction sites that i do safety consultant work for...i'll go around saying ash, and fork, and bagel to keep myself from cussing and everyone is looking at me like im crazy, lol...its wonderful
im going to use fellz taco, thank
@RAINE...i lol'ed at your story about your son....thats priceless
Re: Small World
06/21/08 2:37 am | #86
i slip doesnt matter who i am around
.....OH!....hi Preacher.
.....OH!....hi Preacher.
Re: Small World
06/21/08 2:49 am | #87
Kidd i lol'd at your post...and that was before i saw the preacher part lol
its almost 3am here :O lil mini taco is off to his cage soon :O
its almost 3am here :O lil mini taco is off to his cage soon :O
Re: Small World
06/21/08 3:01 am | #89
bai bai all 
off to the cage! and the darkness is good seeing as i wont wake up till like..12-1
so the darkness is okay this time
bai bai

off to the cage! and the darkness is good seeing as i wont wake up till like..12-1

bai bai