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Archived: Small World
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Re: Small World
06/19/08 6:36 pm | #16
Quote by kiddcartel:
i play cod4.....i just need to finish it on vet, and i don't play it online....thats what rainbow six vegas is for

I personally don't see how much of a big deal it is, lol....but thats just me
can you play cod4 co-op and get the achievements like you do through r6v2?
no, theres no online achievements. it sux
i still have no one but mike to play with >_< i guess spartan could count (not any spartan on here, SpartanRelick) but eh, he doesnt talk to me (like mic chat, not message chat)
Re: Small World
06/19/08 6:43 pm | #17
no one cares who talks to you and who doesn't...lol
they might think your a creep like the girl told TK the other night when he asked if she wanted a mustache ride...LOL!...oh wait, that was juicy, LoL!
I'm not real big into online portion of COD4, mainly because I am an achievement waffle and there is no online achievements for COD4...but there is for R6V2!!!!...LoL
Speaking of which, I Preciate ALL the help I'm going to be getting for the game!!!!
Re: Small World
06/19/08 7:43 pm | #18
Yes, it's true, I am nacho.....a....I mean creepy!!!
Re: Small World
06/19/08 8:26 pm | #19
TK....reading your post made me think of nacho libre....LOL!
Re: Small World
06/20/08 12:21 am | #20
I've only randomly ran into a guy on my FR once on GOW. But that was the only time.
Off-Topic - Kidd you say "lol" way too much. Almost at the end of every sentence there is a lol. lol.
If there was a Lol-Waffle you'd be in heaven
Re: Small World
06/20/08 12:35 am | #21
oh well im sorry if my LOL's offend you......guess its something else you can get over.....LOL!
nah im just playing man...i just joke a lot and if you knew me in person...i laugh just as much as i LOL
Re: Small World
06/20/08 1:17 am | #22
Quote by kiddcartel:
oh well im sorry if my LOL's offend you......guess its something else you can get over.....LOL!
nah im just playing man...i just joke a lot and if you knew me in person...i laugh just as much as i LOL
Nah im just joking, but you do say it a lot.
Re: Small World
06/20/08 1:54 am | #23
"yeah so I LOL a lot, big deal, so what, wanna fight about it?"
LoL..Family guy joke, I know Reggie will at least get it
Re: Small World
06/20/08 1:56 am | #25
lol! I just watched the one where that guy gets run over by a tank!
Re: Small World
06/20/08 1:57 am | #26
Re: Small World
06/20/08 1:58 am | #27
The "you wanna fight about it" guy got ran over by Stewie and Brian with a tank! lol
Re: Small World
06/20/08 2:01 am | #29
Quote by PSORaine:
you lol too much Evol... cut back, regi says so.
I DO laugh out loud sometimes, but I also use it a lot to show that I'm not being serious as well!
lolololololololololololololololololololololololol Fuck yeah I got shotgun!!
Re: Small World
06/20/08 2:02 am | #30
Quote by theevol1:
I DO laugh out loud sometimes, but I also use it a lot to show that I'm not being serious as well!
yeah thats mainly the reason i use it too...you cant always tell if people are being serious or not over the internet...so i "LOL" to erase anykind of confusion
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