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Archived: Small World
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Small World
06/19/08 1:58 am | #1
What are the chances of randomly dropping into a game of RSV2 and ending up playing with Meg a Destr0yer and kiddcartel? It kind of freaked me out since it was just a random thing.
Enjoyed the games. Nice to game with some other XBA forum posters.
Anyone else ever have a random happenstance like this on XBL?
Re: Small World
06/19/08 2:02 am | #2
I've ran into people who used to be on my friends list that are no longer there. That was on Gears though and not too many people are playing that game at the time that I get on, so that is probably not as much of a coinsidence as your's!
Re: Small World
06/19/08 2:05 am | #4
Yeah it was pretty cool Ralph....We try to get a room filled the XBA folk so next time your online we will send you an invite...its a lot more fun that way, I think it is anyway.
Send me a F.R. buddy
Re: Small World
06/19/08 2:34 am | #6
Quote by PSORaine:
Evol... spell check, this isn't England, you know!
Don't get all high and mighty now that you're back in America!
Re: Small World
06/19/08 2:40 am | #7
Will do kidd on the FR. My team was cussing you out for your persistent use of the LMG. I told them that you were probably going for your LMG achievement.
Re: Small World
06/19/08 2:44 am | #8
yeah thats what i was doing...i found out that i still have to get my shotgun achievement, i thought i already had that, so if they were cussing me out tonight, just wait until i bring out the automatic shotty, LOL.
I kept getting shot by the same dude like three times in a row, LoL...if you wanted to hear some cussing...you should have heard the words coming out of MY mouth at that time, LoL
Re: Small World
06/19/08 3:10 am | #9
thats never really happened to me before but thats kinda funny how your ran in to two XBA people
Re: Small World
06/19/08 8:54 am | #10
One time a group of friends was about to invite me to their game, but I joined through the regular quick match just as they sent the invite. It spooked the hell out of me.
Re: Small World
06/19/08 11:32 am | #11
Quote by GibsonsBoobie:
One time a group of friends was about to invite me to their game, but I joined through the regular quick match just as they sent the invite. It spooked the hell out of me.
Was that on Friday the 13th??
Re: Small World
06/19/08 12:11 pm | #12
sadly enough, ive never ran into anyone on my friends list. the only time that's happened was because it was a party invite (my friend spartan relick, who i call teka because that was his old clan name, now its some othe rstupid stuff) or it was mike. but me and mike priv chat all the time(for some reason he wont chat to people in game besides in a priv chat) so i know he's going to be there
but then again, everybody i know on here doesnt play cod4 >_<
Re: Small World
06/19/08 12:24 pm | #13
i play cod4.....i just need to finish it on vet, and i don't play it online....thats what rainbow six vegas is for 

I personally don't see how much of a big deal it is, lol....but thats just me
can you play cod4 co-op and get the achievements like you do through r6v2?
Re: Small World
06/19/08 12:26 pm | #14
NO!! those bastards! Co-op campaign should be an afterthought nowadays!
Re: Small World
06/19/08 12:31 pm | #15
figured its such a bitch to run through vet...it would be nice to get some help, lol...like on MHC!...lol
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