Archived: Random friend requests
Posted Under: Blogs
Random friend requests
11/05/07 7:33 pm | #1
Well here goes, my first xbox America blog. So I should write about some earth shattering video game topic right? ( wrong ) No, my topic is about people that send me random friend requests. Keep in mind that my gamer stats are at best average. Just check 360 voice for proof of that. ( House i\'m watching you... ) Anyway, I keep getting friend requests from out of nowhere. Who is this person I ask, I don\'t Know!!! Should I accept or not? Does this happen to you, and if so what do you guys do.
Re: Random friend requests
11/05/07 7:40 pm | #2
pretty much i send a msg back saying"hi who are you do i know you?" and if they dont respond in the same day i decline
Re: Random friend requests
11/05/07 8:22 pm | #3
I get random friend request also but I'm pretty sure it's because I'm a girl, but I rarely accept them, and if I do I usually delete people within a week, if I don't play with you or talk to you. . . I do have some people from XBOX America but just a tiny few, the others are people I regularly play with.
Re: Random friend requests
11/05/07 9:04 pm | #4
Quote by meg a destr0yer:
I get random friend request also but I'm pretty sure it's because I'm a girl, but I rarely accept them, and if I do I usually delete people within a week, if I don't play with you or talk to you. . . I do have some people from XBOX America but just a tiny few, the others are people I regularly play with.
like me

Re: Random friend requests
11/05/07 9:07 pm | #5
I get those all of the time i well get off then the next day i well have a friend request! I usally sespect it is because they rememberd that i am a good niper and want to be my friend because of it!(and no i am not being full of myself! It is because when people see good sniper they want t be their friend because it makes it esyer for them or somthin like that!) But i usally end up saying yes but i dont realy play with them! Their was this one time i got a friend reqeust from this guy in GoW and he said i played with him like 3 games ago! I was like i just got on! He was like no you didnt! So i ended up removeing him! But thats my storys for the day!
Re: Random friend requests
11/05/07 9:13 pm | #6
Quote by bonezthemonkey:
I get those all of the time i well get off then the next day i well have a friend request! I usally sespect it is because they rememberd that i am a good niper and want to be my friend because of it!(and no i am not being full of myself! It is because when people see good sniper they want t be their friend because it makes it esyer for them or somthin like that!) But i usally end up saying yes but i dont realy play with them! Their was this one time i got a friend reqeust from this guy in GoW and he said i played with him like 3 games ago! I was like i just got on! He was like no you didnt! So i ended up removeing him! But thats my storys for the day!
wow... you always have the longest storys witch really just envolve boys makeup and
Re: Random friend requests
11/05/07 9:26 pm | #7
Quote by NON GOTHIC:
wow... you always have the longest storys witch really just envolve boys makeup and
Wow you need to learn how to read! And to get away from those man purses!
Re: Random friend requests
11/05/07 9:45 pm | #8
you guys are weird
Re: Random friend requests
11/05/07 9:48 pm | #9
that we are
Re: Random friend requests
11/05/07 9:53 pm | #10
you don't have to tell me twice
Re: Random friend requests
08/26/08 11:38 am | #11
hahahahaha n00b gtfo rtfm
Re: Random friend requests
08/26/08 12:27 pm | #13
A majority of the time I get random request are from people Ive recently played with. The only down side is when you CONSTANTLY message me almost every day to play a certain game. That gets you a quick ticket off my list.
Re: Random friend requests
08/26/08 12:45 pm | #15
Quote by majority ru1e:
they are boyfriends
Sound jealous, you need some hawt male luvin too?