Archived: Random friend requests
Posted Under: Blogs
Re: Random friend requests
08/26/08 7:49 pm | #31
muahahha deny that lou

Re: Random friend requests
08/26/08 8:11 pm | #32
Quote by Hektic Juggalo:
Lol, I got a random FR last night from some dude named VibratingWand. Weird...
prob cuz he thought you were gay heheHAHAHA
Re: Random friend requests
08/26/08 8:12 pm | #33
Quote by PSOLaguna:
Sound jealous, you need some hawt male luvin too?
hes not into cock, sorry laguna!
Re: Random friend requests
08/27/08 12:26 am | #35
I got a friend request from someone that I filed a complait against for crabwalking in a Gears match! lol DENIED! What a jackass!
Re: Random friend requests
08/27/08 2:53 am | #38
I used to get them a lot on GOW. But now that I don't play it as much I still get some random FR's. I Usually send them a message saying, who are you? And if they answer with a good reason (i liked ur UT3 guide, I know you friend, etc.), i accept. Otherwise I delete.
Re: Random friend requests
08/27/08 5:39 am | #39
oops I might have hit the delete checking out your profile cody. I'm pretty sure Evol is still on there. I am at 100 though, so someone's got to go.
Re: Random friend requests
08/27/08 6:52 am | #40
I get them all the time but with my list always being full, when I drop 1 then comes a random FR so usually I just accept them...like checked my profile the other night and was down 1 then checked my messages, guess what pardon family wanted to be friends
...so have no idea who it is, just getting off work I accept them..list back to full once again. Most the people on my list have been their awhile.

Re: Random friend requests
08/27/08 7:30 am | #41
i've stopped getting random friend requests, i'm on appear oflfline like 100% of the time now plus them dumb boys have upgraded, they just rather shit talk the whole time I'm in a game ..you boys have it sooo easy!
Re: Random friend requests
08/27/08 8:32 am | #42
Quote by meg a destr0yer:
i've stopped getting random friend requests, i'm on appear oflfline like 100% of the time now plus them dumb boys have upgraded, they just rather shit talk the whole time I'm in a game ..you boys have it sooo easy!
It may just be, Raine. Lol.
Oh yeah, so easy. Getting friend requests from VibratingWands, and need I even bring up that other guy that kept hitting on me. I blocked his name out of my mind just so I would never have to remember

Re: Random friend requests
08/27/08 11:13 am | #43
Quote by PSORaine:
Oh dear... Laguna... Sounds like you're offering...
Huh, yeah right more like you WISH I was offering, and you were manning the camera, Perv.
Quote by meg a destr0yer:
hes not into cock, sorry laguna!
The cake is a lie.
Re: Random friend requests
08/27/08 1:15 pm | #45
Quote by PSORaine:
seriously... for the last time I WILL NOT TAPE YOU HAVING GAY SEX!
God! What would make you think I'm into that kind of thing?
God! What would make you think I'm into that kind of thing?
Then how did my videos end up on the realmilitarymen website? Hmmmm?
You got nothing. Dont deny it, I dont ask about the extra income out of respect but I know its from the videos.
PS: You cant say I didnt wait long enough, so admit it. Your come back blew, no one bit.